
Peace Corps

I did it. Finally. Months and months and months after I started. I submitted my application to the Peace Corps. wow. It feels kinda weird, but good, too. This is the one job I've applied for that I feel confident about. It's just a matter of filling the time between now and then...

Keep your fingers crossed for me, please.

I get emails from a friend in Swaziland right now, and it's so odd... I always try to imagine myself in her place, living that life, and it's exciting and scary all at once. But I believe I can do it. I want to do it.

I WILL do it.


Life, as of late...

**wiping the dust from her blog**

So, yea, it's been a while. Nothing exciting happening, though. Let's see....

^I saw Million Dollar Baby. Quite good, but no one had warned me about the sad ending, so that was a bummer to encounter. It aaaaaalllmost inspired me to buy a set of gloves and learn to box, until I quickly remembered that getting hit in the face hurts, and things like broken noses totally gross me out. In the beginning of the movie, when Swank is practicing, it shocked me a little to see how much she reminds me of E.P., the Kool Kid Kickboxer. E.P.: if you ever get a match south of the bridge, let me know!

^My grandfather just turned 80, which is crazy. The fam got together last night for dinner. MMMM Roadhouse. Let's go eat at a place that serves only meat, and listen to country music while we're there! Yee-Haww! At least I enjoy being with the family...

^I'm applying for a couple of jobs. Some are better than others, but all will result in a paycheck. And that's cool. If anyone has some good, interesting and legal ways to make money in the Detroit area, let me know! I'm always open to suggestion!


My So-Called Jury Duty

A few weeks ago, I got summoned to jury duty. Unlike the majority of my peers, I was genuinely excited and happy. Truly! So, I get to the courthouse, where the security folk tell me my bag is too large and my D-clips (clips, not cups) are contraband. In the waiting room, They make us watch a video on the role and rules of jury duty and then play American President for anyone who's been in a coma the last 20 yrs and might have missed it.

2 hours later, I am finally called into a group. We attempt to get upstairs, but, despite having 5 elevators, the going was slow. Once there, we sat, sat, sat, took an hour and a half lunch, sat and sat some more, until getting called inside the courtroom. The handsome judge lectured us on jury duty, then called 14 to fill the box (I was #3). We met the lawyers, the clients and found out the charges, and were sent home.

Day #2 I return. We all hang out for a while and then learn the penalty for skipping jury duty (Mr. #7!) is a stint on the Alternative Workforce -cleaning the highway in a colorful orange vest. There was more lecturing, some garbage by the lawyers and then questions. I made it through the first round of cuts, but got axed in the second by the prosecutor. *sigh* The best I can figure is I didn't keep my poker face, and the inner dialogue was just too much. What can I say...

Afterwards, I was so sad... I wandered through Greektowne, settling in a shop where I tried to drown my sorrows in coffee. Hugo, my Pick-Up Blocker, joined me, and we walked through town for a while before settling in for lunch. More walking, exploring, etc. and my mum came along to join me. We gambled (I made $15 in nickel slots) and watched a lot of the card tables, trying to figure out the games, before dining across the street. Mmm... Greek food! It's been a while since I've had it, as mostly it's meaty. These sweet people, though, they make a meaty-free version! Yippee!