A few weeks ago, I got summoned to jury duty. Unlike the majority of my peers, I was genuinely excited and happy. Truly! So, I get to the courthouse, where the security folk tell me my bag is too large and my D-clips (
clips, not cups) are contraband. In the waiting room, They make us watch a video on the role and rules of jury duty and then play American President for anyone who's been in a coma the last 20 yrs and might have missed it.
2 hours later, I am finally called into a group. We attempt to get upstairs, but, despite having 5 elevators, the going was slow. Once there, we sat, sat, sat, took an hour and a half lunch, sat and sat some more, until getting called inside the courtroom. The handsome judge lectured us on jury duty, then called 14 to fill the box (I was #3). We met the lawyers, the clients and found out the charges, and were sent home.
Day #2 I return. We all hang out for a while and then learn the penalty for skipping jury duty (Mr. #7!) is a stint on the Alternative Workforce -cleaning the highway in a colorful orange vest. There was more lecturing, some garbage by the lawyers and then questions. I made it through the first round of cuts, but got axed in the second by the prosecutor. *sigh* The best I can figure is I didn't keep my poker face, and the inner dialogue was just too much. What can I say...
Afterwards, I was so sad... I wandered through Greektowne, settling in a shop where I tried to drown my sorrows in coffee. Hugo, my Pick-Up Blocker, joined me, and we walked through town for a while before settling in for lunch. More walking, exploring, etc. and my mum came along to join me. We gambled (I made $15 in nickel slots) and watched a lot of the card tables, trying to figure out the games, before dining across the street. Mmm... Greek food! It's been a while since I've had it, as mostly it's meaty. These sweet people, though, they make a meaty-free version! Yippee!