
Life, as of late...

**wiping the dust from her blog**

So, yea, it's been a while. Nothing exciting happening, though. Let's see....

^I saw Million Dollar Baby. Quite good, but no one had warned me about the sad ending, so that was a bummer to encounter. It aaaaaalllmost inspired me to buy a set of gloves and learn to box, until I quickly remembered that getting hit in the face hurts, and things like broken noses totally gross me out. In the beginning of the movie, when Swank is practicing, it shocked me a little to see how much she reminds me of E.P., the Kool Kid Kickboxer. E.P.: if you ever get a match south of the bridge, let me know!

^My grandfather just turned 80, which is crazy. The fam got together last night for dinner. MMMM Roadhouse. Let's go eat at a place that serves only meat, and listen to country music while we're there! Yee-Haww! At least I enjoy being with the family...

^I'm applying for a couple of jobs. Some are better than others, but all will result in a paycheck. And that's cool. If anyone has some good, interesting and legal ways to make money in the Detroit area, let me know! I'm always open to suggestion!

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