
Keep Marching for Choice

I got an email from Planned Parenthood today, asking me to post a blog with a story about women who are baited into visiting "fake" clinics when seeking help for an unwanted pregnancy. (This wasn't an unsolicited request, so you know) The story was good, truthful, and evocative, but it doesn't feel right to post someone else's words in my blog. I'll give you my version, instead.

Basically, the Anti's (as in Anti-choice) have taken a new strategy to their war on choice. They are buying up properties next door to Planned Parenthoods, real clinics and abortion providers. They call themselves things like, "Crisis Pregnancy Center" or "Pregnancy Services", and lead you to believe they'll help you make the best choice. They also skirt laws about harassing women on their way into these clinics, as they can do whatever they like on their own lawn.

Once inside, the women are told lies about abortions. They are told lies about what is inside them. They are made to feel awful, sinful, murderous for even considering an abortion.

The New York Times has a good column on these places. One thing that stood out for me was the comments by the women they interviewed. It seems all those who were having the most difficulty with the abortion were those who didn't make their own choice. Their mom, their dad, their boyfriend all wanted it to happen, but never them. They behaved in a way they thought would get the most approval. No wonder they feel like shit now. If a woman is going to choose to abort, it has to be her own decision, and she must be given all the options, with real facts regarding each choice. That's what this whole fight for choice is all about -safe, honest, informed choices.

I will give these fake clinics one morsel of credit: when a woman really wants to keep the baby, or at least not terminate, they are great for assistance. These places can connect a woman to adoption services and will provide clothing, diapers, and formula to a mother in need. I just don't see why they can't be straightforward about this.

1 comment:

Justina said...

Hey Jess, just checking out your blog, thanks for your comment on my rafting post. Am gleaning with my last few brain cells (Peace Corps does that to you) that you are in the new group arriving in May? If so, Karibu! Yes, you're supposed to get a packing list from PC along with a bunch of other info. They are typically last minute with sending out stuff. The packing list that I got wasn't very useful; the weather varies throughout the whole country and the people who compiled the list must have had really hot sites. Mine is freezing. I didn't bring any socks. There are a few yahoo groups you may be interested in if you do a google search on PC/Kenya. Or maybe you already found them. Anyway, hope to meet you soon!