
End of Week 3

...Not like we are counting the weeks or anything... Umm.. it's the end of week 3 and all is well. We are still in good spirits, getting almost handy with the language, and just starting some community service.

Wednesday morning, we woke early to walk an hour over to a new dispensary. 11 of us were there to build a choo (the others were digging a well, I think). For this, they marked out a 3' x 4' area where we are now digging down to 20' depth. In the 4 hours of work, we got to about 5'. Nice, eh? It's gonna get freakier as we go, and we need a ladder to get in and out, and buckets to remove the dirt. I guess after it is dug and cemented, we will build the surrounding structure to make it complete.

My family is still quite nice. The little people are getting on my nerves, though. It seems all they do is cry!! I've threatened to strangle them, but the mama's just think I'm kidding and laugh. Right.

Hey, my time is about to expire so, sorry to be so short! I gots to go!!



Jenn said...

Okay first, make it out of the hole alive, second please don't end up on TV indicating that you have hurt/killed children-SERIOUSLY. Chow

G Period Psychology said...

hola senorita! que estas haciendo en africa? tus aventuras espanolas y italianas no estaban bastantes? estoy mandandote una carta por snailmail!
buena suerte!

Anonymous said...

Wow Jess, your blog is the first I have left a comment on. Don't you feel special? Good, hold that thought, and use it to calm your self next time a wet three year old is screaming in your ear. I will endevor to write a 'real' letter too, don't hold your breath though. But...maybe I will see you in January?