
Love for the West Side

Back in Kisumu. I had a bus ticket, leaving at 9p on Saturday night. We really left about 9:30, and took it slooooow. Didn't get in until 6a, 2 hours late. And my dumb ass was foolish enough to believe I might sleep on that ride, and be able to tune out the horrible roads. NOPE! The horrible roads, coupled with the driver's need to swerve around the giant holes in the road kept me awake and just short of seasick.

Seriously, I think these roads were paved by the Brits; 50 years ago, before they left Kenya. Once I get back to Michigan, I swear, I'll never complain about the roads again! Like, there, the roads are mostly paved, with big potholes. Here, the roads are mostly holes with some patches of pavement. Worse than a gravel road, I swear.

Before I left Nairobi I spent FAR too much money at this market. The good news is, I bought stuff for the lovely people back home. The bad news is, you still have to wait until I return before you'll get to see any of it. Pole! It's some schnazzy stuff, though, so I am pleased!

I also made a point to get to the theatre, as Eragon was playing, and I couldn't be sure if I'd make it in Kisumu. Mum. I hate to say this, but I must: I am so sad that you didn't warn me what a piece of shit that movie is. I spent 350/= (because everything costs more in NRB) on one of the worst movies I have ever seen. God, was it just the cheesiest script you've ever had the misfortune to have paid good money for? And poor, poor Chris P. (the author). He must be so ashamed, 'cause this will never make the sequel. Or, at least, I hope they never film the sequel!

Why, oh Why didn't you tell me?? I mean, I have to assume that you have been to see the movie. I expect you were there in the opening week. Or have I totally flaked out, that there was a warning and I missed it? Well, to my fellow man, let me state for the record: Eragon was a SHITTY movie! Please, just read the book and let that be sufficient!

Okay, enough. I leave fore site tomorrow. I am going to go hippo hunting, climb a mini-mountain and read at least 4 books in the next week and a half. Then, it's the 25th of December, also known as the day before I leave for Coast. It appears that I have a brother and sister that love me very much, and have made it possible for me to have a rauciously good time. Asanteni sana, na orio muno!! I might get another post here before then, in the travel time, or else it will be on the way back, which is on or after the 5th.

Peaceful, loving, happy and healthy holidays to you all. I'd wish you a Merry Christmas in Swahili, but no one has taught me how yet. I'll let ya know.


Anonymous said...

A nice chunk of that money is from the parents, so we can't take all the credit. But, glad to hear that it went through. Enjoy yourself!

Jenn said...

have fun on the coast i hear its wonderful--your getting closer to the 50$ bet. Cheers Jenn

jo said...

284Eragon opened here on the 15th. I went and saw 'Pursuit of Happyness' w/the kids. I liked this movie but the critics didn't. I was planning to see Eragon but saw terrible reviews and was waiting for someone I could trust (U) to give me an honest review. Thanks! I'll save my $$


Anonymous said...

Hey have you don't any PC work yet??
Keep up the good work, you will be a great tour guide for us!! Love

Jenn said...

Kuwa na Krismasi njema=Merry christmas