
We're on the Way...!!

In Nairobbery today, in transition to Mombasa. Yahooooo!!! All us PCVs keep happening upon each other, so it's nice to have buddied up with a couple folk. After this, I'm gonna try to squeeze in a waxing to be sure I am ready for the beach. I hope I can make it!!!!

The ride out here was nice - I took the train. As we are leaving Kisumu, I'm watching the city go by out the windows, nice view, yadda yadda. Whoa! What the hell?? Yes, this IS, in fact, a little boy riding a camel down the tracks. Riiight.... Karibu Kenya, I guess..!

Christmas was nice. Went to the other mzungu's house, met her hubby and her family and kula chapati nyingi! Santa was really good to me. He sent peanut M&Ms (lots!), new jammies with obscene logos (and from K&L! Who'da guessed it?), my jeans!!!!!!!, and banana breads. YUM! I am SO happy to report that YES!! I still fit easily into my jeans!! I'm sorry to say the breads are already gone. Damn that's tasty bizness!

So, the next train leaves tonight at 6:30p, check-in at 5:30p. *sigh* I don't know if/where/how expensive the internet is in Mombasa or in Lamu. Hopefully you'll get some posts from there. I got some things to say, but I really wanted to get this all in there first. I have an excessive amount of liquor now, and the full intention of rotting my liver on the beach a la Caymans. I mean, c'mon, what goods the liver anyway? Right?

Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year! Hello 2007!! (and exactly 18 months left!)


Kimmie said...

Hey Jess,

Help juggle my memory on what was on the pj bottoms that was obscene.

I just thought they were cute and would be comfy.

Let me know!!

As always,

Aunt Kimmie

Anonymous said...


You know when you said you had only 18 months left, I was like "that can't be right," but after doing the math, I was shocked to discover you've already been gone like 8 months. Amazing. The time really is going fast.

Also, I am supposed to graduate in May... which makes me happy. I am hoping that I can do some traveling... and of course visiting you is definitly on the top of my list of places to go. Do you know of any websites with cheaper airfare? I want to start seeing how much it is, so I can save up... last I checked (not sure if I had the closest airport to you) I discovered it was like $1700... that is alot of saving...lol.

Anyways, I am glad to hear you are doing well. If you have a chance, I love getting letters... I am working on getting one to you as well. Talk to you soon.


Jess said...

The Jams say "Bonnie's BBQ: You'll Love Our Tongue!"

And Cheryl, I guess that's about the average price. Keep looking, though, and you might do better! Keep me informed.
I'll get to work on a letter for ya, doll.