
A Monsoon By Any Other Name...

Okay, okay, okay. I am NOT gonna be one of those people who begs for something only to whine when I get what I asked for. But, as They say, 'When it rains, it pours' and pours, and pours, and my goodness! I never realized that a "long rain" actually meant a 12-hour rain!

The Long Rains are officially upon us, which is great, as it's broken most of the heat and has inspired the vegetation to grow! Which, really, is the point of it all. Just like the Short Rains, it starts about 3 or 4pm, but these ones will last well through the night. It's insane. And it isn't just a slow drizzle that never stops, it's hard-core, pound on that damn tin roof 'til you're ready to kill someone kinda rain. Intense.

Every day from last Tuesday until sometime in June or so, it will rain. Every day. If April showers bring May flowers, what do the showers of May and June bring? Heaps of maize, I guess...

In related news, I bought a new umbrella (since my super-cool polka dot one was stolen by some asshole on a matatu). It's light blue with this cartoon face drawn on it - definitely Japanese - and, the best part?, ears that stick up when you open the umbrella! I'll have someone piga a snap for you all. It was 160/= or about $2. Not bad! Even has a whistle attached, in case I get swept away in the rains. Safety & Protection.


jo said...

Well, now you'll find out if your place leaks. (??) Sorry to hear about your old bumpershoot, but the new one sounds way cooler. xoxo mum

p.s. got ur ltrs & pics! thx!!

Jess said...

Yea, it leaks. Bummer. And, somewhere late last night or early this morning, there was most definitely a bat, in the house, flapping around. I swear it. Or I am sooooo crazy I shouldn't be here. Didn't get a name, but I have a hazy recollection of conversation...

Anonymous said...

So, is the mud house melting in the rain?

And, why in the worl mix in manure with the mud?

Jess said...

The house itself isn't melting, which is nice. A relief, in fact. My "stoop" has diminished a tad, but that's easy enough to replace.

I think the mixing with cow poo is to get that grassy fiber added in, to give strength. Right? That sounds good...