
I'm done now. Can I go home?


Wonderful Weeked, for a while

Lessee... This weekend went pretty well. I was in a damn cheery mood, that's for sure! I had a couple of appointments on Friday that were actually really interesting. I sat in on a psychological assessment, and it was great to see Deb in action (on someone other than me). I want so bad to master this therapy stuff and be good, like her. Saturday morning I had to be up Early for the Writing Proficiency Exam. Blach. 5 of the most boring and uninspiring topics. I finally chose to write about 'my ideal university'. Basically, I wanted something that involved opinion and not fact. I better have passed that damn thing!! I missed an Ani DiFranco concert to take it! Afterward, MC, Erin and Erin's fellow and I went to breakfast. Mmm... french toast! Hit a yard sale, too. MC got this awesome trunk that needs a little repair, but will be fun. I finally got my bike back from the Ohio house and decided to go for a short ride to the beach. The weather was Great -warm, not hot, sunny, cloudless, light breeze. The water was even warm! I was shocked!! It made me almost sorry to not have my suit on for swimming. After some reading, I was inspired to ride to Presque Isle. Damn, did it feel good! All that fresh air and sunshine (and early wake-up call) was begging for a nap, which Bella and I shared. Sunday called for some more riding, and back home I got a lot of cleaning done in my room. Clean sheets, organized closet, a floor, . . . good things.


I survived!

I survived 3 nights of work! Whoopee! My brain melted and I've not drank this much coffee in years, but I survived! Seriously, I do NOT understand how those gals can do 3 nights in a row, each week, in addition to life, and still survive! I was a zombie! Oh, and once again, I slept through my Monday class. Do you know how embarrassing it is to sleep through a 2pm class? I have a legit excuse (work), but most people aren't aware, and it's a pain to explain. That makes 2 times, now. My professor laughed at me when I went to apologize. The Democrats attempted to have a party at the UpFront last night. Turned out to be fairly boring. The music was good, of course, as it was everyone's favorite, local hippie music. But, I was expecting some campaigning. Some rallying of the masses! Here we are, here are the issues, here's a big cheer for Kerry & Edwards. But, no, there was just a little table with voter registration (important, of course) and some stickers and pins. I missed getting a Theresa & Elizabeth pin, but finally got a bumper sticker. So, we went down to Remie's for an after-drink and told Russ about the occasion. We all agreed he can and should do a better job. 'Which party parties hardest?' would be the theme. One day of Dems, one day of Repubs, and I suppose, a day for any other parties. (I think there might be some Libertarians or Greens around here...) Keep an eye out!


Number 9

Okay, I think I have grasped the general layout of this place. With some further exploration, maybe we'll even make ourselves at home! This will be the new location of my journal or "blog", to be trendy. Don't much care for that term, though. ick. If I am lucky, I'll be able to transfer over my old journal entries and load them here. Dude. Gonna go explore some more...