
The Latest

New things in my life:

1. Working on redecorating the bedroom. Gotta get rid of the high school decor and get things updated. Fun, but frustrating... Paint ran out one wall short, so I now have almost a gallon extra. Curtain rod (which took 3 stores to find) is a shocking 20" too short. I guess that's why you measure things before you shop. Two trips to get enough cool-ass chrome outlet plates. BUT, I really like the new color (Lovely Lilac, I believe it is called) and how it makes everything look better. I contrasted with a fab green on the bay window and the duvet (yea, I'm a cool kid who uses a duvet. Makes me feel rich and fabulous just to write that). I'm planning a trip to D-Town to buy some art off the students. Cheaper, cooler, and not the mass-produced stuff from Target. Still wish a certain Miss Someone up north would make me a copy of her Potato picture. Sign it before you send it, eh? It will be better, then, when you are famous. MAKE IT AND SEND IT!

2. shit... I had more than just that...

3. Gonna take dance lessons with Sr. Hugo at some point. Gotta call and see if we can still get in, a bit prorated, or if we have to wait. Ballroom dancing! His future wife will thank me, though he doesn't seem to appreciate that aspect. His appreciation is more along the lines of, taking dance lessons means not having to give blood. Ahh, the fruits of blackmail!

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