
Busy busy

Busy day today. Well... a full day. How's that?

Hit up the Salvation Army. I've been getting some good stuff from there lately. Had 2 things in mind: a beer mug and some plain shirts. The mug was gone, of course, but I nabbed 3 shirts for $4. It was awesome. I'm jazzed. One makes me look awesome bronzed. Another has been decorated already, and the last is just awaiting a method of decoration.

Then to the Red Cross. I was *just* able to give, with my iron right at the minimum. I'm so happy! It feels good to be a pint short. They all keep saying how blood runs shorter through the summertime -a combo of higher need and less donated. Y'all make a point to get out and give, at least once this summer. Do what you can to help save someone's life.

I did some stuff, then stopped by my grandpa's pharmacy. Today is the 40th anniversary of legal birthcontrol for married couples. Can you believe? It's only been 40... To know our parents were born and raised without what is now such basic health care. I stopped to ask if they filled BC & EC scripts. Dude, that guy was SO uncomfortable talking with me. I'm not sure why, cause I was nice about it. No reason not to be. There is so much shit these days, with the politicians making it legal for pharmacists to refuse to fill a woman's birth control or emergency contraception for "moral" reasons. It isn't their job to decide what is morally right for a woman. It IS their job to fill a prescription written by a doctor who has the education and knowledge to decide the appropriate medication for their client. And while some of us, in the bigger cities can say, 'yea, go to another pharmacy and quit complaining', not every woman has that choice. Not every town has multiple pharmacies, not every woman has access to drive all over the place finding one that will give her pills. And why should anyone have to fight so hard to get a legal medication??

And for any of you Antis out there, remember that controlling one's fertility leads to more wanted children and less unplanned pregnancies. That's a good thing, no matter which side you are on.

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