
Moving Day

Today, I will be officially moving. I'm heading on up to the North side, where everything is a bit more shiny and costs twice as much. It's a house, owned by a 26 yr old (who happens to own ANOTHER house, as well), managed by his 24 yr old ex girlfriend, costing my just under $400/month. I got a bit of a cut for paying 3 months up front.

The best part of the place? It's a mile from work, give or take a titch. I'm gonna find a bike (most likely mum's old yellow granny with the extra-wide, wooly seat) so I can cruise in to the office every morning. Considering I'm in D-town, winter shouldn't be too hard; cold but not necessarily snowy. Meaning, the bike riding could carry me well into the winter months.

I've met 2 of the residents: the manager, who is there when not at her current bf's place, and the new fellow who is moving into the best room -the upstairs loft, which runs for 150 more than any other room. (YOW) If only I had that kind of money...... There is a fellow leaving by Oct 1, at which point we will clean and repaint his room for me to shift into, a gal who is there until further notice, and... oh. That's it.

It should all be most interesting. Rest assured, I will keep you posted.

p.s. My blood cells have all increased to "normal" levels. Plenty of reds, hemoglobin, hematocrit, all those iron-relevant words. The report was faxed to Peace Corps yesterday evening. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Send some pics of the new pad!! Peace