
The best of both, baby!

The latest from the geniuses at Abercrombie & Fitch... There are a bunch of girls staging a girlcott, the name alone causing a sensation, and getting themselves on the Today show. To them, a hearty 'Rock on!' But, how does one girlcott a company I've disliked since high school? I don't believe I have ever bought a single thing from there. With this company, it's been the prices that disgust me more than any of the products. Hard to say if spreading the word will make a difference. My friends aren't the kind to shop there, and certainly wouldn't wear a shirt like this one if they did shop there. Maybe the answer is to get involved with kids. Be a role model and show our daughters why they should avoid clothing like this. Show our daughters they don't need to choose -you can be beautiful and feminine and still have, and better yet, USE, your brain to go places in this world.


David_Z said...

that t-shirt rules. it's funny because it's true.

Jess said...

Yea? You gonna get yourself one? I bet you'd really make a statement.

You're amazing.

Mike said...

Thanks for the suggestion on my blog. I took most all of the spam comments off and added the word verification (never knew that existed!)

If you have questions on Peace Corps or Africa, just let me know.

Hope you have a fun time!
