
Readers' Poll

In response to a recent conversation, I pose the following question:

If you felt sick/unwell in a chronic (as in long-term, continuous, repeated) way and found an unsettling diagnosis, due to explorations on the internet, would you still see a doctor for confirmation?

Considering the consequences -lifelong medication, doctor fees, potentially being termed 'disabled', coming face-to-face with the unpleasant...

And the benefits -keeping something from getting worse, knowing it's the right diagnosis (not just what the internet had to offer), ending the uncomfortable/miserable/life-imparing symptoms...

I'm really curious what everyone's thoughts are on this, so please post. This is a respectful place, so, although not everyone might agree with you, we will all respect you and your opinions. Won't we??



Anonymous said...

I wouldn't go.

I don't trust the internet.

jo said...

I would always take any 'diagnosis' found on the Internet with a grain of salt. As close as it could come to telling me what might be wrong with me, it can't be 100% accurate. That said, neither can a doctor. But the doctor can hopefully make suggestions that would help me (either cure me or help me cope). Once the doc gave a diagnosis, I would then look up the medical term(s) given on the Internet.

Both sources have been known to be wrong.