
Week, In Review

I had a *delightful* end-of-week and weekend. It certainly started off shaky -not feeling well, visiting the doctor, etc. But then things made a turn-around. !!

Thursday was the first of the month, so we had a Feminist Meetup at SweetWaters. It was odd, at first, with everyone arriving late. But then people came, and came, and suddenly there were 12 women gathered about. 12! That's the most we've had, since I joined on! No matter our topics, I always leave feeling so good. Spending over an hour having intelligent discussions with smart, strong women is just so uplifting.

At the end, I spent some time talking with M about how to initiate conversation with my oh-so-quiet roommate/landlady. She left, and then I sat talking with A and C. Wow. It was great, like part 2 of the discussion. Such smart women that I really connected with. Another hour or so later, we wrapped up with a plan for ice-skating the following day.

The ice-skating didn't happen -the girls were delayed at dinner- but I got to spend some time watching 12 year olds play hockey. (damn entertaining, if you didn't know!) They came to get me so we could go to C's house. I met a bunch more people, all of whom were very friendly and quite interesting. C's dad was awesome -the kind of dad who takes in "strays", and is so friendly. At the end of the night (about 3am), he cooked up grilled cheese 'appetizers'. It was great.

Saturday was a lazy day; just relaxing. And today, I did my usual. I cruised up to Caribou for coffee and crosswords. I got an extra one, too, from the Wall Street Journal. The nice guy next to me saw me working the New York Times and offered the one from his paper. How cool was that?

I don't know about you, but I think this is a good lead-in to a Monday!


Jess said...

Yea, we like to keep things brief. Lets us get on with the fun, not fuss with silly things like syllables.

Or, however that's spelled.

G Period Psychology said...

I'm glad to see you blogged...I was getting worried...I hadn't seen a new one in awhile! it is good that you are having fun!

Jess said...

Courtney!! I figured you would have gotten bored and left ages ago!!

Thanks, baby!!