
One week to go!

One final week to PST. One more, excruciating, stress-filled, semi-fun, bittersweet week before we swear in and actually begin life as Peace Corps volunteers.

Today has been fairly easy. I attempted to use my leadership skills on my technical group - 10 other adults - only to meet massive resistance. It was awesome. We need to be given 5500 /= before too late on Thursday (ha!!) so we can afford to go to market. There, we must buy food and such for a party we have to throw for our host families on Saturday. All organized, coordinated and executed by us. Friday will be occupied by a semi-PC-planned sleep-over at Thome. But, again, they want us to do most of the organizing. I mean, we have plenty of time to group up and discuss, right? Did I mention the 3 reports/presentations due Friday morning? I may have forgotten that...

Seriously, though, if you disregard PC, things have been good here. I had a couple of infections and currently have an odd-looking rash, but life is good. Mama and fam are well. Friends are about the same as me. Weather has been nice, but, we are in the dry season, so it's not like rainy days are even an issue.

After site visit, when I last wrote, we have had more time for our community projects. The choo we were digging is without funds, so that came to a halt. My women's group is still real active, though, so that's great. We taught them to make salsa and soap, both as income-generating activities. I've no idea about IGAs, but I guess it is good to practice now for when I get to site. That seemed to be number 1 request there.

Us PCTs organized another all-night party at a local hotel. Cheeseburgers, onion petals, salsa, guacamole, chapati crisps, ugali crisps, and sangria. Damn good selection of food! We are really good cooks when we put our minds to it, and we know how to have fun.

As I had said, there is one more week. We will leave next Wed. for Nairobi and swear in on Thursday. Pretty exciting, eh? Hope so. Then, we are on our own to get to site. I guess the other Westerners are planning to sleep Friday in Nairobi, take the night train on Saturday, sleep in Kisumu Sunday and be at site on Monday. I like the idea, but will need to let my supervisor know. I think he honestly believes I can make it there on Friday. He also believes PC is taking me, despite my attempts to explain otherwise.

Gonna run out of time... More from Nairobi!!

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