
'Twas the Night Before Swear-In

Hey hey hey! Guess what this is?? This, right here, is my very last message as a Peace Corps Trainee! YA-hooooo!! We have been brought to Nairobi (kicking and screaming, thank you) to swear in and become official Volunteers. Cool, eh?

This has been a manic week, to be sure. We had presentations, an all-night party followed way too closely by a thank-your-family party, then a language test, packing, a farewell to my women's group, more packing, shopping and GO! This may surprise people, but I began packing my things Tuesday at, oh... 3:30p, when the PC van had come by the house about, say, 2p. Cool! I think I got it all in as best as possible, but damn, dude. This sucks!!

Tomorrow is our ceremony. It should be all great and formal, with the acting Ambassador at the US Embassy doing the officiating. Afterwards, to the PC office for an auction, paperwork and some time with medical to look at this damned rash. For our celebration, we have made a reservation for 45 at Carnivore, Kenya's biggest disco. They serve an all-you-can-eat selection of game, including gator, zebra, gazelle, etc. Needless to say, I'll be dining ala carte, with a less nyama-intense menu!

I've been getting mail - you all kick ass. Thank you!!!! In case I didn't post it last time, I have my new mailing address. Now, the important thing: for the first 90 days in country, packages are duty-free when sent to Nairobi. This is lasting until the end of Sept., as they only count business days. So, send the packages QUICK!! PO Box 29185, I believe it is. LETTERS ONLY (until the month of October, and then pkgs, too) should be sent to me, c/o Alpha Support Development Programme, PO Box 299 - 30518, Kilingili, KENYA. Sawa?

This is crazy... the internet here at AFRAALTI, our hotel, is free and fast, and yet, I'm rushing as though I had to pay and unsure of how to handle the relatively-speedy connection! Eek!

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