
It's a Saturday in Kisumu

Habari zenu? Mzuri sana!! Hey y'all, how's life? Rockin', over here.

I am in Kisumu just now, where the internet is cheap and fast. The food is good. There are showers. Stima. Tarmak. Civilization. Yea, baby!!

I wasn't planning to come this weekend - I was gonna stay home and be good, in anticipation of my upcoming trip to Nukuru. But then I got a text msg saying there was a group of PCVs going to greet Mr. Barrak Obama as he arrived in the Kisumu airport, and did I want to come. Hell yea!! [FYI- Barrak's father was a Luo, from Nyanza province and he likes to come and be both political and familial with the Kenyans.] So, this morning, we all went down to the airport and stood around with a bunch of reporters, waiting. He arrived and came to greet us personally and talk with us PCVs. Very, very cool. We got a photo taken ( I hope to have it posted soon, I'll be in touch) and shook hands. I was in the background on the Citizen news today, as Barrak spoke with his Illinois constituents. There was a reporter from the Chicago Sun Times (Lynn something), who spoke with Claire and some others about Barrak and PC. Maybe you can look for a photo/news story on their site or on her blog. Let me know if and what you find!

Thanks so much to all you that have sent soap recipes. I will soon print and test them. If you have any other ideas for income generation, please be most free to share! It's not my main job here, but I still feel compelled to try.

Just for the info and the good example: My dear Aunt Jean sent a small pkg. this month. It came in a small envelope from the post office, maybe a 5x7? She got quite a bit of goods inside it (though she seems to have forgotten the letter!), and it was only $8 in postage. For whatever reason, it seems to have slipped through customs, as I paid no charge and saw no ticket. Maybe the size? Who knows... But it's a perfect way to send something small for cheap. And hey, Im not begging for packages. They are a treat (I smiled for days after this last one), but I am just as happy with a well-filled letter. Send Mail!! Let me know the mundane things and the exciting things. Don't be afraid of being boring. It wont be! THANKS!!!



A request to the masses, if you'd please take a moment to consider...

I am seeking recipes for butter, cheeses, and other milk-based yummies. These would be straight from the source cooking, with limited/none refrigeration options. In other words, cheeses that are durable or wax-coated.

I am also seeking recipes for soaps that do not require lye or caustic soda. I know there are some out there, but believe they will be harder to find.

For those of you with unlimited access to fast internet, please spend some time searching and send me what you find!! If you have my email, it can be sent direct, or posting here would be just fine.

Thanks bunches! The people of Kisa will thank you, as these will hopefully become income-generating activities.


Home sweet home

I am at site now. I'm trying to get cleaned and organized. I think I need to buy shelving and drawers, though. There's a fundi in town who is making a kitchen counter and a cupboard for me, so I'll finally be able to cook like a normal person. Well. No, nevermind. I'll be close to being able to cook like I am home. I still am using a jiko, which is a challenge in itself. I am really hoping to be getting a gas stove soon, but who the hell knows?

Limited work, so far. We are supposed to not work in the first 3 months, as community entry time, but my supervisor doesn't really get the concept. I don't know how else to explain it and, frankly, I'm tired of trying. I feel better when I am out in the field, anyhow. Martin and I are taking it easy, going to meet the women's groups and orphans that I'll be working with. So, really, that's community entry, right?

I'm in Kakamega right now, a city an hour and some north of Kisa. The internet is fast, the market was good, and the SecurCorp had my bike. I tell people here that I am getting a bike, so they look at me, shocked and ask, you know how to ride?? Yes, I tell them. Then they laugh! Why, exactly, is that funny? And, really, why on earth would I be getting a bike if I didn't know how to ride it?? Come on. This is Not the place to learn!!


'Twas the Night Before Swear-In

Hey hey hey! Guess what this is?? This, right here, is my very last message as a Peace Corps Trainee! YA-hooooo!! We have been brought to Nairobi (kicking and screaming, thank you) to swear in and become official Volunteers. Cool, eh?

This has been a manic week, to be sure. We had presentations, an all-night party followed way too closely by a thank-your-family party, then a language test, packing, a farewell to my women's group, more packing, shopping and GO! This may surprise people, but I began packing my things Tuesday at, oh... 3:30p, when the PC van had come by the house about, say, 2p. Cool! I think I got it all in as best as possible, but damn, dude. This sucks!!

Tomorrow is our ceremony. It should be all great and formal, with the acting Ambassador at the US Embassy doing the officiating. Afterwards, to the PC office for an auction, paperwork and some time with medical to look at this damned rash. For our celebration, we have made a reservation for 45 at Carnivore, Kenya's biggest disco. They serve an all-you-can-eat selection of game, including gator, zebra, gazelle, etc. Needless to say, I'll be dining ala carte, with a less nyama-intense menu!

I've been getting mail - you all kick ass. Thank you!!!! In case I didn't post it last time, I have my new mailing address. Now, the important thing: for the first 90 days in country, packages are duty-free when sent to Nairobi. This is lasting until the end of Sept., as they only count business days. So, send the packages QUICK!! PO Box 29185, I believe it is. LETTERS ONLY (until the month of October, and then pkgs, too) should be sent to me, c/o Alpha Support Development Programme, PO Box 299 - 30518, Kilingili, KENYA. Sawa?

This is crazy... the internet here at AFRAALTI, our hotel, is free and fast, and yet, I'm rushing as though I had to pay and unsure of how to handle the relatively-speedy connection! Eek!