
What the Hell Are You Doing There Anyhow???

I just got my mail. A package from AJ, an invitation to my best friends wedding (which is on the verge of making me cry. Is it really too much to wait one year?), and a letter from AM asking just what the hell I do that I consider "work". Hmm. What do I do here?

I guess I'll just share my diary for the last and upcoming weeks...

Last week was GLOW, and I already talked about it, albeit in a not-so-eloquent blog. I got home Saturday night, had an AIDS talk with some youngin's at a church on Sunday, 3 loads of smelly laundry and my Women's group meeting on Monday, a no-show meeting at the FFS office, where I instead typed my supervisor's resume, then went to an AIDS talk with mamas at a different church on Tuesday, woke early to go pick chili peppers, then went to a 2nd try of yesterday's meeting, then to a lunch date, which took me to an Educational Assessment office for a brief meeting, before I came here to do this, which will be followed by a bit of shopping.

Tomorrow is pretty open, but that is likely to change. Friday I am going to Kisumu to see how much of my "living allowance" I can drink before I have to be back to a church group on Saturday. I'm going to church Sunday, before I move to a different one for yet another AIDS talk. Another Women's group meeting on Monday when we will move our chickens into their new house and (hopefully) discuss what to do about the orphans we support, then 3 days of High Value Tree sensitization in 3 locations, mixed with time at a HIV+ group meeting and a Market Clean-Up day.

The week after is somewhat open - just my regularly scheduled program. The 12th-14th June I have my Mid-Service medical exam. It's a meet & greet with my intestinal parasites, as well as a chance for some deep probing into various orafices of my body. Fun, eh? No idea yet what comes in the following two weeks, but hopefully it will include enough work to reduce the guilt I *may* feel for the month of absence that is July.

I hope that all the above sounds as busy and crazy as it feels. It's really satisfying and definitely exhausting. I'm on a good week, sleeping like the dead every night. I hope that theme continues indefinitely. I don't know why May isn't over yet, though. It should be, by now. Sunday is my 1 year anniversary, for arrival in Kenya. 14 more months of service!!

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