
I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream "Daktari!!"

I feel dirty.

Like, I need to go wash my mouth out with soap, or boiling water, or... mm. Something.

I just went to a dentist, a Kenyan dentist, who was not my one, my only, my dearest Dr. L. Have I betrayed our relationship? Defiled our bond? Will you ever dare to polish my teeth again, knowing some other man, a man with enormous hands, has probed inside my mouth? I will dare to hope this next year of separation will give time enough for our hearts to heal, so I may return to you anew.

Let me just say, for the rest of you, those more accustomed to lying back and opening wide, this was not a fun experience. I am still cavity-free (hooray!!), so I was saved the horrors of a filling in Kenya. But he didn't polish with my choice of flavored paste. He 'scoped' and scraped with an instrument of torture I hope never to encounter again. An awful noise, an awful feeling, an altogether not-so-good way to spend the morning. ug.

Other than that, my bodily fluids have been collected and sent away for inspection. Poor schmucks in the labs! Ha ha! My TB test appears to be negative, but not yet 24 hours old. We'll see how the day progresses. I'll let you know, too, if anything interesting comes back on the tests - specifically, what parasites I might be harboring.

So, two more days of this, then a free day, then I am going to Migore for a friend's birthday. Never been there before, so this should be fun. Then, 2 weeks until our 4th of July fiesta at ISK, a week and then the arrival of M & AJ. I'm freaking out. Still haven't booked a safari, and am having some challenges with communication. We'll come up with something...

Oh, for those of you in the know, I have just added 20 more pics or so online at FaceBook. I expect to be snagging a bunch more today, though I don't know when they'll make it to the net.


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