
I Feel the Earth Move, Under My Feet

I can't believe I forgot to talk about this in the last post...!

Amongst my long list of "Firsts" for Kenya, I can know include 'Felt an Earthquake'. How cool is that, eh? Very cool, thank you!

The first time, we were at the Mara, sitting in the lounge, having some drinks, and quizzing poor Lobo. I felt this rumbling, like the floor was loose and people were jumping, or like something heavy was being pushed along behind us and we could feel it catching on the cracks and bumps in the sidewalk. Because I'd had a few drinks, I passed the whole thing off.

A few days later we saw a newspaper that was talking about how Nairobi was experiencing earthquakes due to an exploding volcano in Tanzania. They went on to say that almost no building in Kenya has been made to withstand an earthquake. I think the actual wording was more like, 'very few buildings have been professionally designed', but I'll have to look up some sources on that one.

Then, again, last Thursday I was lying in bed, doing nothing while entranced by the devil, when I felt it all again. The long rumble, the shudder, that odd feeling of vibration that makes you sure you're just in the midst of a schizophrenic episode.

Sure enough, it was some aftershocks to the eruption. Damn cool! I've been in an earthquake! I mean, I'm sure there are plenty of people in California who would love to argue that their earthquake experiences way outdo mine, but, for a midwestern gal, this is one heck of a First!

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