
Proud to be...

It's that time of year again. That time when we drag out the grills, skewer a big, dead animal, and roast away, all the while consuming carbonated, alcoholic goodness.

Ahh, yes, the Embassy Picnic!

It's amazing to think it's be a full year now, cabisa, and to remember what little twerps we were at the Picnic last year. Sooooo much better this time around!!

After the picnic (Saturday), we had a toga party at a hotel in town. Good fun! There was a DJ, lots of people, beer, dancing, all those good things. I think I stayed until after 3 or 4am, but I'm not really sure. Never saw the time, and I certainly don't wear those wristy time-teller ninis. ha!

I had some business on Monday at the office, and now I am just killing time until Friday when mum and AJ arrive. My days are spent hunting for affordable food (which, last night, was a little piece of Eden with A-Mazing indian food at a new restaurant with the oh-so-lovely classification of "pure vegetarian"). This city is so expensive! We just got paid on the 23rd and I'm essentially broke already. Cool, eh? Yea, not so much....

In other news... I have a new hairstyle. Told my J the details, and mum will be the first to see it live, but I'll get a photo up soon. I dig it. Lots of people do, too. I'm too sexy for myself.

Met some JICA volunteers and was dismayed to, again, realize how the Japanese are so able to take our good things and make them way better. They fed us yummy Japanese food, though, so that made it all okay again.

I just recovered from a sinus/upper respiratory infection. That was a lot of fun. My annual illness, apparently.

Right. Well. I meet the wageni on Friday, and we are off for a major safari throughout Kenya. I'll probably not post while we are together, so look for the end of July/beginning of August for all the delicious details and possibly a photo or two.

Later, alligators!

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