
So it Goes

I'm back in America now. It's not vacation, it's a semi-permanent change of venue. Doubtful to improve the quality of articles on this page. Bummer for you.

Most of you know the {full/true/real} story, which is cool; you're family. There's certain privileges with that. Briefly, though, for the rest of you, here's my story, and I'm sticking to it. I suggest you do the same and don't ask annoying questions {about details/validity/witnesses}.

Essentially, I felt the need to apply all of my leadership and activist training I received at University. Having a group of active, strong women at my fingertips, I felt the time was ripe. So, we rallied together to have a big protest. It was amazing, beautiful, powerful, {topless} and loud. I don't remember what we protested, but I do remember feeling SO proud of my mamas. I mean, we had the whole district involved! Thousands!

Turns out, though, the Kenyan government wasn't so proud and enthusiastic. Might've been the content. {Or the partial nudity.} Whatever. I was kindly asked to leave the country and not return.

Broke my heart. I cried my eyes out, an activity not supported by the native women. I got two men to nearly cry with me, but the women seemed offended just by watching me. I had an entire year of service left and a lot of things to accomplish. I was asked to leave right in the middle of dinner, knowing what was for dessert and knowing I wouldn't be able to have any. Majorly shitty.

Here I am, again. I leave the nest time and time again, but just can't seem to stay the hell out. Gonna try again. In the next 4-6 weeks I plan to relocate to the East Coast. In the region of AJ and my dearest Jeffners. Work, school, and life to follow...

{Edits} inserted by author 23/8/07. Seems my deodorizer was so strong people couldn't smell the bullshit. Pole sana, wote. Better noses next time.


Anonymous said...

Jessica...hola...que tal...no pasa nada aqui....te echo de menos....its court....de segovia....

Justina said...

Hey girl! Sad to hear you've left Kenya but glad you're back Stateside! Where will you be on the East Coast? Come visit me in NYC if you get a chance! I start school next week. Am I supposed to use my brain in this country?

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you will be in the area. Good luck with your test!