

I am SO frustrated!!!!!! I want to SCREAM!

I. Am. Sick. Again!! Aren't I always sick? Yes, it sure feels that way. This time: chest congestion, a sore throat and it positively kills to cough. *ouch* I got lucky and found some old cough syrup in the cabinet, but now that's all gone...

Also, I set a goal to write my essays and finish my Peace Corps application this week. I want it ready to be mailed Monday or Tuesday. Yea, well... the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry, or something like that. These damned essays are hard! Well... challenging. The bigger issue is how my writing skills seem to have abandoned me. I'm imcompetant! (i can't even spell)

All the beautiful snow melted away today. Rain, rain, rain.... it is just wet and slushy out there, but no more snow. What is this, May? C'mon Momma! Make up your mind already!! It's winter or it's not, but you Have To Choose!!



Hippopotomi Lover Posted by Hello


I woke up on T-Day to a Fabulous, thick layer of snow all around (outside, not in). Just enough to make a postcard, but not so much to make you hate Mamma N. It snowed on and off all day, but quit in time for me to drive out to Harvey. I got to Em's house, excited to see her land all covered in snow and . . . nothing! There was a shading of white in the corners, but, overall -nada. How sad!

Dinner was very nice. Em & I made cranberry sauce, played Chinese Checkers, talked, finished the oven-shuffle to get dinner done (okay, okay, she did all the work, but I monitored the checker board for safety!), and then we all sat down to a very nice meal. The only meat was ham, and it was minimal, so that was a nice feature. Em's family is really nice, and this was the second time meeting her lil bro. What a weirdo. One of the tubes of crossaints was cut wrong, so lil bro got at it and tried to roll it out new. Well, it didn't really want to roll out and he had no clue, so he put cinnamon and sugar and a poppyseed spread in it, folded it over and cooked it. 30 minutes later.... it was weird. He kept eating it half-cooked, and commenting on how it weighed a pound. Yikes!

After dinner, they taught me how to play Spades and lil bro and I teamed up to whoop some butt! Hell yea!! All those years of euchre (sp?) training finally came in handy -I had some concept of strategy, which I am sure helped. Too bad I never was able to apply it to euchre. Oh well!


Lazy, part 2

Been a lazy, laid back weekend. After working my 3 night shifts this last week, I was REALLY pleased to have an easy Thursday and Friday. Mmmmm Sleeeeeeeeep. I spent most of Friday laying on the couch, half awake, watching Sex and the City. Truly, that has to be the most pleasurable activity in the world. It's the greatest show; it makes me happy, makes me laugh, makes me sappy, all those good things TV intends to do. (insert gooey emotions here)

Friday night a bunches of us were going to play Drunken' Clue at the Ohio house, but we got distracted by each other and the fact that the lot of us haven't hung out in a long time. It was nice to just catch up, be cool, and not deal with a smokey bar and pricey drinks. Muy divertido!

We drunk dialed Jeffner, too, cause it seems the whole world has a cell phone BUT ME, and part of having the cell is having free weekends and nights and all that. So... 3 hours later... We had her on speaker phone for a while, we were passing her around, stealing her, . . . good times. I miss that girl.

Tonight... dunno. We were planning on the concert at 231, but MC heard it is sucking, so probably not. We are trying out alternatives, including pool at the Shaft and bowling. Not much to do in this town without the 21+ Membership Card.


What a bitch...

I am such a bitch. I feel really horrible. It's all because of my goldfish memory... Mom, did you drop me on my head a lot or what? Cause seriously, I'd forget my own name if it wasn't written on all my stuff, like it is.

So, I'm sitting in Border Grill having finished my dinner but still having 40 minutes before work, so I was loitering and reading the paper. In walks this gal - I know her - and she smiles, says hi, how are you, all those polite things, and I am so stumped at what her name is, where I know her from, anything at all, that I grunt a response, like an idiot. So, now she's uncomfortable that I don't remember her (when I should. I know I know her, I know I like her, but damned if I know how I know her or who she is!!), and I'm uncomfortable that I did the wrong thing. We each sat akwardly for a while, until I finally got up and left. I feel like such a schmuck.

I didn't know what to do for that last 30 minutes or so, so I drove in circles and then went to work early. Ugh... How could I be so rude??


Home of the Parents

Stage One of Parental Home Infiltration has begun...

I arrived in the dead of the night, rousing no one as I stealthily broke into the compound. All was dark and quiet, save the sounds of slumber eminating from the master bedroom. Today, the residents have fled, leaving me to my own abandon. I've moved in a large quantity of supplies; there will be no need to leave for rations for months.

I am prepared for battle. I will fight to defend my newly-won fortress here on the island. My vantage point is excellent -I will spot their arrival far in advance, while they will have no knowledge of my whereabouts. I've stationed a fierce tiger in the back, standing guard over the forest. She is dark coloured, to blend; bred stong, to defend. The moat along the weaker, north face of the fortress has been freshly stocked with pirhanas, much to my delight.

Inside, I've readied my technologies, the final and most effective part of my defenses. This shall be my connection to the armies on the mainland. We stand ready.

Bring it on, bitches!!!!!!!!!!!



It. Snowed.

I'm not ready yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happiness is...

-a day on the farm, with horses that follow you like puppies, crazy-bright pheasants, bonfires, good converstations and, of course, girl friends

-new experiences, new cultures, new music, new friends, and new views on old friends

-free things (thanks Bogie)

-spending the day in bed, guilt-free

-not having a roommate, if only for a short while

-a perfect autumn day

-everywhere, if you know how to see it. Go. Look. Let me know what you find.


Pack your bags, it't time to head out back...

O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise,The True North strong and free! From far and wide, O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee...

I gotta learn these words... I bet it's on the entrance exam...

I am extremely disapointed with my state and with my country...

Shame, SHAME, on you.

Be very ashamed for what you've done.