

I woke up on T-Day to a Fabulous, thick layer of snow all around (outside, not in). Just enough to make a postcard, but not so much to make you hate Mamma N. It snowed on and off all day, but quit in time for me to drive out to Harvey. I got to Em's house, excited to see her land all covered in snow and . . . nothing! There was a shading of white in the corners, but, overall -nada. How sad!

Dinner was very nice. Em & I made cranberry sauce, played Chinese Checkers, talked, finished the oven-shuffle to get dinner done (okay, okay, she did all the work, but I monitored the checker board for safety!), and then we all sat down to a very nice meal. The only meat was ham, and it was minimal, so that was a nice feature. Em's family is really nice, and this was the second time meeting her lil bro. What a weirdo. One of the tubes of crossaints was cut wrong, so lil bro got at it and tried to roll it out new. Well, it didn't really want to roll out and he had no clue, so he put cinnamon and sugar and a poppyseed spread in it, folded it over and cooked it. 30 minutes later.... it was weird. He kept eating it half-cooked, and commenting on how it weighed a pound. Yikes!

After dinner, they taught me how to play Spades and lil bro and I teamed up to whoop some butt! Hell yea!! All those years of euchre (sp?) training finally came in handy -I had some concept of strategy, which I am sure helped. Too bad I never was able to apply it to euchre. Oh well!

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