

I am SO frustrated!!!!!! I want to SCREAM!

I. Am. Sick. Again!! Aren't I always sick? Yes, it sure feels that way. This time: chest congestion, a sore throat and it positively kills to cough. *ouch* I got lucky and found some old cough syrup in the cabinet, but now that's all gone...

Also, I set a goal to write my essays and finish my Peace Corps application this week. I want it ready to be mailed Monday or Tuesday. Yea, well... the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry, or something like that. These damned essays are hard! Well... challenging. The bigger issue is how my writing skills seem to have abandoned me. I'm imcompetant! (i can't even spell)

All the beautiful snow melted away today. Rain, rain, rain.... it is just wet and slushy out there, but no more snow. What is this, May? C'mon Momma! Make up your mind already!! It's winter or it's not, but you Have To Choose!!


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