
Home of the Parents

Stage One of Parental Home Infiltration has begun...

I arrived in the dead of the night, rousing no one as I stealthily broke into the compound. All was dark and quiet, save the sounds of slumber eminating from the master bedroom. Today, the residents have fled, leaving me to my own abandon. I've moved in a large quantity of supplies; there will be no need to leave for rations for months.

I am prepared for battle. I will fight to defend my newly-won fortress here on the island. My vantage point is excellent -I will spot their arrival far in advance, while they will have no knowledge of my whereabouts. I've stationed a fierce tiger in the back, standing guard over the forest. She is dark coloured, to blend; bred stong, to defend. The moat along the weaker, north face of the fortress has been freshly stocked with pirhanas, much to my delight.

Inside, I've readied my technologies, the final and most effective part of my defenses. This shall be my connection to the armies on the mainland. We stand ready.

Bring it on, bitches!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Jess said...

Even better, baby! I'm talking about Tigger the Tiger, the petite, fluffy, wide-eyed scaredy pants that lives in this place. Boo-ya!