

I am happy to announce, I am now officially an alumni of NMU! Hoorah! AND: I made it across the stage (first) successfully and without tripping, falling, or otherwise making an ass of myself. (yippee!).

The ceremony was delightfully short, at about an hour and a half. The speakers were good, especially the keynote gal, who had a very long, but sentimental speech. My dearest girl came all the way from the Land O Lakes to see me, which was spectacular. I'm quite sad we never got to create Peni-ville, as planned. *sigh* dammed weather. M&D, Brother and Girlfriend came as well, which was nice. I feel justified, now, for them having experienced a winter in the Great White North. I wasn't making this up!! I wasn't exaggerating!! And, keep in mind, it is only December!!!!!!

Thursday was Sr. Crawl, which I didn't do as well (or did I do it better?) as in May. There were some complications, and I only got to 3 bars and had 4 (non-standard) drinks. BUT -I didn't poison a flowerbed or have to hold the wall to keep the room from spinning. And, I know exactly how many drinks I had. Friday night, we shook booty to some good tunes while trying to avoid picking up chicks for my cowardly-yet-adorable pal. Saturday I gradimatated, gave a tour, and braved a near-blizzard to bid a fond farewell to the sturdiest of friends.

I am yawning through my very last night of work right now. I've had far too little sleep and WAY too much stress in the last week for this. I may let M&D do all the driving tomorrow, after all........

J.L.B., M.T.Y., & J.dB.: Above and Beyond, the True Meaning, my Shoulders. You made it amazing, and I will love you forever for it.

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