
Demand REAL Sexuality Education!!!!!!!!

I hope you all have been paying attention to the news this week. We finally had someone in the government come forward and declare publicly and loudly that Shrubby's form of abstinence-only sex education is not only detrimental to our children -studies have shown that this simply doesn't work- but also FULL of lies and misinformation.

Please see the article in the Washington Post for more info: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A26623-2004Dec1.html?referrer=emailarticlepg

Amongst the other lies we have to tell our children now, the one that stands out the most with me is Shrub's insistence that condoms fail to prevent the transmission of HIV. I've heard some people say that latex condoms don't protect because latex is too porous. Yea? Well, why do doctors and surgeons and EMTs all wear latex gloves when working on injured and bleeding people? To protect themselves from HIV. Does it work? YOU BETCHA. By telling our children that condoms won't protect them, we are telling them it is okay to not use a condom when having sex. What's the point, if they don't work anyway?

PLEASE take action on this issue. PLEASE. If you are pro-choice, you understand that part of making an educated choice comes with being properly educated. If you are anti-choice -ahem, sorry, "Pro-Life", then you must understand that the best way to stop abortions is to stop unwanted/unplanned pregnancies. Visit www.ppfa.org and get in to the action network. This will allow you to send a letter to your reps urging them to fight against abstinence only sex ed.

And no matter what, we are all human and must care for our sisters around the world. We have to start telling the truth. We HAVE to stop the spread of AIDS.

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