
Privacy My Ass

Just another quick gripe while I'm at it...

I had opened a JCPenny's card ages ago in order to get a discount on whatever I was buying at the time. Once I got it, I put it away, never to be used again. In Nov., Mum and I were out shopping and the lady coerced us into using the card to save a bit of money. No more than 5$, I'm sure. She had to look up the account number on the machine, as I had no card.

Months go by. Every so often, when passing Penny's, we'd say, 'gee... still haven't gotten that bill... wonder where it is? Oh well!'

Turns out, they'd been mailing it to my res. hall address and it was (surprise!) being returned to the company. Over 3 months later I get a call. My phone connection was beyond rotten and, to make it more fun, the woman had the thickest Indian accent. I could hardly hear her or understand her. She was calling to yell at me for not paying my bill.

Long story shorter... Several calls later and I pay the bill with a check over the phone. This means giving my router and account number to the lady. The woman (American this time) promises that she has removed the late fees and finance charges [really, why should I pay those? It's not like I deliberately didn't pay my bill. I wasn't getting them]. She tells me to call a different number so I can get a new card. Alright. I ask these people for my account number and they refuse to give it. Privacy and security concerns. Um... yea. It's okay for me to give my checking account number over that very same phone line, yet you can't give me my account number? Hello, security. During all of this, they mention my bill to be about $30 less than what I paid. Pardon?

Now, I'm pissed. This woman (a manager, also Indian) promises she has removed the charges and will credit the difference to my account. I can even check up on this in the next 48 hours, if I call back to the automated services. MmHmm. "Don't I need my account number for that?" "yes" "TOO BAD YOU WON"T GIVE IT TO ME!"

We went in circles for what felt like forever.

Today's lesson: Don't get a credit card through JCPenny unless you enjoy fighting with idiots.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Amen, brotha