
Back in the USofA

No one can see my titles anymore... but that's okay; I know they are there.

I'm back in the home land. Got in late Monday after a wretched flying fiasco. Jenn and I slept in the Madrid airport, since it seemed it would be impossible to get to the airport at 5a. (Metro didn't start till 6:30a, no busses running, taxis too costly, walking would SUCK.) Sleeping, really, is just the phrase. We didn't. We each had some time to nap on the cold, hard nasty tile floor, but then just sat in the cafeteria talking, watching, and eating the last of our carry-on.

We saw some bad things in that airport cafeteria.

The flight, scheduled to leave at 7:30a, left at 9a, eating up the hour and a half layover we should have had in Brussels, Belgium. France threw a tantrum and all the civil workers took a day off. Control tower employees count as civil workers. Iberia air landed us in Brussels at 11.05a. The connection that about 10 of us had was at 11.05a. No one at Iberia did anything to help, so we got to walk allllllll the way across this stupid-ass airport, trying to find the ticket counters. The Iberia counter had a total of 1 person there, and he was apparently a moron. An hour later, Jenn and I were rebooked.

Must've been back in that line, you think? Nooooo. We were first in line. A & B. 1 & 2. And it took an hour.

Jenn went to Amsterdam, then to her home destination on KLM. I got to go to London, then Washington, Dulles, then my home destination. Thankfully, the first two were on British, and they are a fabulous airline. Good food, free alcohol, Great staff... Absolutely pay a little extra to get British!!

Later I might actually write about the trip. Imagine!

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