
Mmmm.... Ass.

I feel like ass today. This evening, to be specific. I was up early and out the door to visit the north side (aka. the 'nice side') of D-Town. I had an interview, which I think means I have a job. My dad totally got it for me, but, you know, it's gonna be fun and I'm jazzed. And it's a job that pays. Money. Income. American currency. It is an office of younger folk, pretty casual (I felt way over-dressed in my lame 'office wear'), and the 2 I talked with were super nice. Plus, there is a fancy coffee maker there. Oh yea, sign me up!

I think it's gonna be a mostly-from-home job, with a weekly visit. That's fab, as it's an hour ride up there. So, techinically, I can go to work naked. Neat, eh? Things may change...

From there, I went to the eye-ball doc, found out that even cheap-ass looking glasses are too expensive and also found out my prescription hasn't changed since Aug, which is very good. Decision A: is it worth 40 extra for polarized sunglasses? Decision B: should I even try to get schnazzy frames for those sunglasses, or just go with tolerable and inexpensive ones? Decision C: should I risk taking my nice, plastic-framed glasses to Africa, knowing they may break, melt, or just deform, in order to save a hundred bucks? Comments are encouraged!! My very-own web designer is creating my comment section, so look for that soon. In the meantime, you might have my email.

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