
A Weekend in the Wilderness

After a very stressful and painful Thursday, Hugo and I made it into da UP in about 7 hours. We arrived in time to wander down to the Base, meet a pal (MTY!!!) and watch the Pistons lose. *sigh* Did I mention I got to see MTY? [insert giant grin here]

Saw more folk on Friday -a few at the coffee shop, then at the HPO. Went out to a tasty dinner and a few bars. I got to DANCE!!! Oh, the joy! JD and I hustled in the Shammy, then really rocked to Phat Funkadelic at the UpFront. All the ladies joined us, as did one's new boyfriend. He was a fun and wild dancer, accentuated by his crazy thinness and wireyness. It was just fabulous. Just fabulous! Got to meet the band (duh!) and harass them a bit. Bunch of cuties from Wisconsin.

Saturday involved time at the beach, mmmmmmmmmmm, time shopping, mmmmmmmmm (I got green pants!), and then cooking a damn fine salmon dinner. Again, we went out to the bars. Back to the UpFront, cause the boys promised to play Super Freak for me. Turns out they were right, they can't play it! But they were sweet to try it. Then the Matrix - I walk in and meet a buddy, stand talking with him for a moment. A minute in, some guy walks up and asks, 'do I know you? from (some city I've never heard of)?' Nope. Not a clue. He is barely gone when this other guy walks up and half hugs me, then realizes I'm not who he thought. Immediately apologizes and swears he thought I was some chick from Skandia. Nope. So, my buddy starts to tell a friend of his who just walked up about all these guys, when I feel this hand on my back. I turn around, and this time I actually knew the guy! Used to be the keg supplier for the Fitch House Fiestas. We hit Remies to cap off the bar scene, where the 'tender came up, hugged me, said he missed me, and got me a free drink. Fa' shizzle! The night was capped (?) at 231, in the dying embers of a party. I found my old swing partner (swing dancing, you freak) on the floor, so we spun ourselves sick to the techno beat. Now, swinging to techno is *fun*.

Sunday was more mellow. A climb up Sugarloaf (didn't have the time/supplies for Hoggie, and didn't seem the same without my JLB) that included an encounter with a hummingbird and my neon yellow nalgene was first on the list. Then to see my favorite boys at the boss' house. Man, they need a haircut! I was skritching Max the Marmalade and having gobs of fur come flying off. Good thing this was all outdoors! Then, more beach, lunch, more beach, dinner and some peaceful around-the-house-bsing.

All in all, it was great. Soooo good to see the people that I have missed. Soooo good to get out with my girls and dance and dance and dance. I was reminded of why we endure a UP winter -to be a part of the UP summer. And what a welcome break to the paved cage in which I reside. I was reminded of the vast potential in Marquette. There were times, living there, it seemed a dead-end place, but, I wonder if the paint hadn't just faded with age. Coming back was like seeing your childhood home, familiar and nostalgic, with a fresh new coat. All that potential was there the whole time, I just... didn't always realize.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Yeps, sure is! And you were right, they are very cute/good together. She says he treats her well and he says he's in love.
Do you know where he is going in the fall? I think she said Ohio, but... no details.

And thanks, babes. How was Chicago and the whole weekend?