
Ani, My Ani

Wednesday night was a great night in the history of my life. I *finally* got to an Ani DiFranco concert. A pal and his pal (a first pal once removed?) came down from the arctic to join Huguito and I for a night of jammin' guitar, which made the whole thing better.

The tickets were for lawn -a bit cheaper, a bit more comfortable, and since I haven't figured out how to dance to Ani's music, a bit more practical. We were there early enough to have a close parking spot and a real good lawn spot, save the chatty cathys next to us. The atmosphere was excellent, and that can really make or break an event. It was chock-full of women, and yes, to fit the stereotype, most were lesbians.

Erin McKeown (or some spelling like that) opened, all by herself with only an electric guitar to help her through. She was quite good though - I liked her voice, she plays well, the music was fun. Then Ani came on with Todd (?) who plays an upright bass. And damn, does he play! His addition to the whole thing added so much depth, it was really great.

At one point, S commented on the perfection of the night, on how there are times in life when you just feel so serene. Lying on the grass, under the darkening sky, with Ani DiFranco a short distance away, playing her fabulous music, and good friends with you and a crowd of good, mellow people.... I'm not entirely sure there are better ways to spend an evening.

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