
The beginning and the end

So, here it is:

Peace Corps app was going okay, until my iron test showed I was iron-defient anemic. The medical folk in Washington, D.C. decided that anemia, coupled with a low heart rate, migraines and chronic insomnia, was just not a good thing to have when travelling to Africa. When I should have been getting a letter of invitation, I instead got a letter saying, 'sucks to be you, but keep us updated. Maybe you'll get a postcard.' I called Jeri, my recruiter, and she confirmed there were no programs for me until January or so.

The downside:

*I'm not going to Africa, at least... not for 6 months or so.

*I'll be here for the opening of our new Walmart, which I've been dreading since I first saw the sign at the construction site.

*All the new fall television I didn't want to get sucked into? Yep, I'll be here, rotting my brain.

*Winter. In Detroit, no less. Could there be an uglier place for such a great season?

*Major postponements in the graduate school situation. (but perhaps that's a perk?)

*I won't get to learn an obscure, but still cool, African language *6 more months of *this*.

The upside:

*Jeri said the January program was to Latin America, not Africa, so I'd get to use my spanish, which is great.

*I have time to take part in a sleep study at WSU, which, if it goes well, will net me some hard cash

*More time to work, again with the money thing (did I mention graduate school? that stuff ain't cheap)


*Don't need to rush on my GRE's, so maybe a better score, and time to retake if I really f-up.

Bottom line: I'm not happy. I was really getting geared up, eager to leave, excited to start the journey. And now I have to wait a minimum of 6 months, while paying all sorts of lab fees to keep monitoring my iron levels.

And that's it. Maybe there will be more to say in December. But, until then...

The End.

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