
The North Side

It may be too early for a life update, but, I wanna get it down while it's still knocking around my nogg.

I'm in R.O. now, officially. It's a 5-bedroom place, decent sized, with only 3 of us here so far. All chicks. A dude is supposed to show up this weekend. I met him when he was touring and he seems nice; a resemblance to my pal Petie.

1 is a nice gal. Normal. Resemblance to Brenda, from 6' Under. In more ways than one, I learned recently. 2 is... odd. Loud, crude, ... but I think I just need to get used to it. Perhaps. We shall see, shan't we?

Been in the basement. Normal sized room, no ceiling so I tacked up my old "tapestry". Bathroom is good sized and clean, quite nice if you can deal with the chilly ring every time you whiz. This weekend I'll be starting a move up to the main floor. Warmer, with a real bed, not an air bed. Will share the bathroom with 2 and Boy.

Work has been better than expected. We have a new software program to deal with, so that's been pretty good for filling days. I had a tough time with all 9 hours yesterday, but not so much today. We have a new guy there, too, so its all just been full of excitement. (can you FEEL it?)

I bike to work now, as Im a short 2 miles away. Sadly, I can already feel it in my legs. Not bad, but enough to say, 'hey fatty, about time you made us work'. Those jerks.

So, today, I'm on my way home, cruising down this divided street, riding along the median. I see a black squirrel (tons of em here) chomping a nut, so I say 'hi' and encourage him to stay on the grass. What does he do? Well, run right out in front of me and my tire, of course!! I damn near ran over a squirrel with my bike!! Damn near killed myself, too. How moronic do you have to be to DELIBERATELY run in front of traffic?

So the big dilemma: What's for dinner?


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I thought we had an agreement.

Jess said...

Yea, an agreement that there'd be no suicide attempts involving me, and I wouldn't deliberately aim at ya. Sheesh! (And I thought goldfish had bad memories..)