
At a loss.

Went home this last weekend to see the folks, drink some beer, and give a pint of myself to my community. The pint-giving went quite well, despite the criticisms of my good mood and overall chattiness. I get to give one more before Kenya, and then it will be 3 years without. That's a disappointment, but I have a feeling it will be worth it. ;)

I had a really good conversation with mum, too. I feel now that I've done my share and, while I'm not happy with the results, I at least have come to terms with it. Life is all about change -that's what makes it interesting.

Future plans include some trips to Chicago and a final visit to MQT. Time to stop procrastinating and realize, I'll be sorry once I'm gone. And on that note.. I'd better get back to studying.


Better in Theory


Unite Pod-Power to babysit two adorable infants (2-months and 3-months) for a few hours on a Saturday night. Drink some wine, eat some food, dress up the babes to take silly pictures, etc. Maybe get some cuddle action from these tiny little people.


3:2 is the minimum ratio of grown-ups to babies for attending to infants. 4:2 might be better. It was a cute idea to heat up food that would only be eaten cold. Turns out, infants don't like for grown-ups to be seated and comfortable. You must be standing, moving, bopping, dancing, and otherwise jostling the child at all times.

They may not speak, but these babies had the power to communicate and quickly devised an evil plan: 'I'll scream for a while, so you can eat/sleep/relax. Then, we switch! You scream and let me get some time to eat/sleep/relax.' I was amazed at the teamwork!

Seriously, though, it was a good adventure. A nice reminder that I don't want a baby of my own, a chance to 'bond' with my podners, and ... well, did I mention how adorable those babies are?


I don't go to sleep to dream

Nothing to report, which is why there's been nothing... Sorry. Life's gotten boring this past few weeks.

Hugo has a new website, which looks pretty damn good. It's almost perfect -well, is IS perfect for the ultra-hip that have Mozilla's FireFox browser. (like me!) And almost perfect for everyone else. I especially dig the DTE skyline up at the top. Good use of cropping, amigo! See him at www.mattplusplus.com

Work is lame. It's almost the end of our quarter and we're hoping like hell to hit a mere 80% of our number. I really don't get into this commission thing, this -wait, no. That was a lie. I like the commission, which is business language for extra money (surprise money, to me, as no one said I'd be getting any!). What I don't like, is having to make a pre-determined amount of money in a pre-determined amount of time. I'm just not the salesman type. At all.

My car has been acting up. First, she was lurching and jolting at stops, so I paid a guy 90 buck to tighten by battery cables. When that didn't work, I got my spark plug wires changed by another guy who only charged 30 bucks. Then, just last Saturday, my serpentine belt split and wedged on to the tensioner, which had welded itself stuck. We had to cut the damn thing off just so we could drive to the shop. It was a nice reminder that the guys who developed power steering deserve a big, fat smooch-a-roonie for the ease they have offered modern drivers.

Mostly, these days, I'm just consumed with the urge to nap and the freakish realization that my Kenya departure day is getting close. I have a ton of shit to get done before then, and all I want to do is sleep.