
Needed: Witty Titles

Greetings from Kakamega, today!

I got up damn early today (5:30am) so I could hitch a free ride in the Pastor's matatu into town. It sucked, but sure beat the alternative of walking an hour, waiting ages for a matatu to pass through Kilingili, and then trying to find space in a vehicle going north. I got "sold" in Chavakali, but it was okay, as the driver lent me his newspaper to pass the time.

There's a PCV here that is SEDICT and was the PCT in Mama's house before me. It's nice to visit someone new and hopefully, ideally, he will have good advice for me on how to deal with all the SEDICT issues that have come up at site.

Speaking of which... I went to Nukuru last week, for business. I stayed with some of my fellow peeps who are living in a HUGE, nice, stema-fied house on KITI, the Kenyan Industrial Technical Institute. I was totally jealous, at first. The weather was cool (or cold, depending), there was water and stema, pavement, actual variety in the market, etc. But, the downer, town isn't that great. Crowded and smelly, as many cities are. My orgs people were Totally clingy, and that drove me insane. I'm going to have to wear a disguise the next time I try to go there!

I think I will be getting to go there every few months, on business, which is just awesome. Business trips dont count against vacation days, and the travel is paid for by Alpha. There are some big national parks there that I need to visit, especially before my visitors begin to flock to me. I want to be sure it is worthwhile before we spend some hard-earned greenbacks.

A highlight of my Nukuru trip: the market had zucchini!! I bought 6, way to many, and have delighted in eating them everynight. I made Pasta Pazoo that lingered for 3 meals, and then did a spicy stir-fry that I tacoed into chapatis last night. Damn tasty!!!

A quick thanks for letters and packages! I came home to quite a few, which was a real treat! I have some on the way out, too, so don't fret. Hopefully I can get the money to buy some aerograms and make the mailings cheaper and easier and maybe increase my output. So, the best way to RECEIVE a letter is to SEND a letter!! You dig??


Anonymous said...

Hi Hope to get there myself so keep checking out the area!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jess

There should be a package from me to the Nairobi address soon.

Love, Aunt Kathy

Jess said...

I recieved a few complaints about the Swahili in the last post...

Matatu = public transport vehicle, a 14-passanger (in theory, in theory) van that zooms from place to place

Chapati = Kenyan flatbread. Sort of a thick, greasy flour tortilla. Really, really good.

A.Jean - I am VERY happy to know you are coming to see me!! Sorry to say, you will need to pack at least one skirt. Pole sana! (very sorry)

Hugo - Mail me a letter, as practice. It'll be fun, I swear! And hey, you should see the prices to send a package to America!! Sheesh!

A.Kathy - My tail is already wagging! Thank you!!