

This is my 150th post on Blogger! Yay!

This weekend was the badass G7 party in Kakamega! We met these two G7 people (it's an NGO) at the lunch with Ambassador's Stand-In, about a month ago. The fellow was silly enough to invite 20 PCVs to his place for a party. 12 of us showed up, and it was a blast!

Lots of food, lots of alcohol (including banana daqaris!) , music and projected movies. He brought cake mixes from home, so we made cake and cookies, just because we were able to bake. I miss baking!!!!! Mmmm.... cake!

I have no idea when sleep came, but it was just like a 6th grade sleepover, with everyone whispering and spread all over the floor in sleeping bags. Bummer that the floor is, you know, kinda hard. But still! It was fun!

This morning we woke about 7:30a, had chocolate cake, fruit, mimosas, eggs, potaters, and sausage for the carnivores. Watched another movie, too. mmmmm.... food! My belly is SO full.

This fella was way too generous - all the food, the hospitality, then a bag of Kisses, a 4-pack of (soft, luxurious, American) toilet paper and time on the internet. Later, he'll actually drive us (partly) home. How freakin' amazing is that!!!

G7 does stuff with computers, taking donated ones from America and refurbishing them for Kenyan schools and such. I'm on the famous IBM Craptop from 1998 right now. Feels like old times... Maybe NMU donates their oldies?

No updates on the move. Sorry. Maybe I'll learn something tomorrow? Bye! I'll be back to the net in a week, when I'm in town for Cross Sector meetings. Tutaonana!

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