
What a Bunch of Nonsense!

Why did the chicken cross the road? Just to see if he could!

The bees are back in my chimney, or somewhere. Wherever, they are definitely back.

How to greet in Kenya: Find a person who's REALLY far away and shout "How are you? How are you? How are you? How are you?" until they are too far away to see anymore. Pick someone new.

The rain is back, big time. I guess this means it's time to plant, and time to get the hell out of here, before the rains destroy the "roads" and lock me in.

I'm in Kakamega for a party tomorrow night. I came early in order to a.) Use internet, b.) Avoid packing, cleaning, working at home, c.) Get really drunk and pretend I'm someone else, or d.) All of the above, plus a little more, if the opportunity strikes.

The Wonder Spot, by Melissa Bank, is an extremely good book, which I am enjoying tremendously. Please find it and read it.

Seriously, though. I'm convinced that a chicken's need to cross the road is just because someone is approaching. And their speed of crossing is inversely related to your own travelling speed. Meaning, if you are slowly walking, they'll haul ass to get across before you. If you are in a rush, biking or driving, they will slowly scootch their way across, sqwaking at you as you brake/swerve/and otherwise avoid crushing them. Sometimes I use this as evidence of the stupidity of birds. But then, at 200/= a pop, these suckers are worth a lot more dead, than alive. Maybe their owners train them?

I have 3 weeks worth of laundry, 1 week worth of clothes line, and no rope for the well (which is jammed with two fallen buckets, anyhow). What I don't have, is soneone reliable enough to wash my clothes for me.

I'm writing new lyrics to that song "She's a Maniac (for Love)", or whatever it's called. 80's tune. In my version? "She's a Lazyass" I haven't made it out of the chorus yet.

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