
Advancing Autumn

It's cold here. Really, really cold.

JLB tells me I'm crazy; it's not as cold as I think. But then I stick my icicle fingers down her shirt, and her screams let me know I'm not crazy after all. It's cold here.

But, I'm trying to cope. I wear layers. Usually 3, and a 4th when I go outside. My jeans have been enough so far. I should start planning for Winter, though, when I'll be needing more.

I'm trying to embrace it, too. Go outside, enjoy the sun. Take walks. Drink extra coffee. Take hot showers. Appreciate the colors of the leaves as we drive around with the heat on the lowest setting.

Today, for example: JLB has a thing for apple picking. I like it enough, but can't remember doing it since I was a Girl Scout (in other words, about 15 years back). We got the info and made a dash for the orchards today, one of the last good weekends for picking apples.

What a treat!! We went to Hawks, in Millbury, and the place was great. Small, not very busy, super nice people working there / owning the orchard. We have big eyes, and each demanded a half-bushel bag to take out. The bags are half-priced when you pick the ones off the ground (which I thought would be gross, bruised, wormy, etc.). They were stellar! In the end, JLB & me got...

You wanna guess?

Go on, guess how many pounds of apples we picked!!


45 pounds!

Swear it to ya! We have forty-five pounds of apples in her garage right now, waiting for us to bake, boil, mash, and dry. It's going to be F-U-N!!

So, if any of you out there have an especially tasty recipe for freshly picked (or, collected, rather) apples, send it my way! Just post that recipe right into the comments box.

Go out and get your own, before the season turns too cold!!


Anonymous said...

Apple picking is fun. But I always just picked a bag from a shelve:) The weather is just as cold in Michigan- you still have the warmth of Kenya in ya! If you have some sweet ables, you can make apple sauce without sugar. See you soon.

jo said...


1-3/4 Cup Sugar
1 Cup Vegetable Oil
3 Eggs
1 Tsp Salt
2 Cups Flour
1 Tsp Baking Soda
1 Tsp Cinnamon
1 Tsp Vanilla
6 Med Jonathon or McIntosh apples
1 Cup Nuts
1 Cups Raisins (optional)

Place all ingredients except apples and nuts in mixing bowl. Beat with wooden spoon until all ingredients are well blended.

Add sliced apples and 1/2 cup nuts and blend together.

Pour Batter into greased 9 x 13 pan and sprinkle with remaining nuts.

Bake at 350 for 45 minutes. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and cut into squares when cool.

Got this recipe from your cuz, M. Haven't tried it yet, so let me know. mum

Anonymous said...

That's a lot of apples. I thought 18 pounds of bananas was ridiculous enough.