My new residence is Spare Room #1 at the home of Ms. JLB, Worcester, MA.
It's nifty. I painted is brown with a spring green stripe along the upper border. JLB is buying material for curtains this week, which will be a help. Then we need to drag home a bed for me, so I can stop sleeping on the floor. Maybe get a floor rug, too. Then it will be a cozy little nest for me. :)
I arrived a week ago now, on the 24th. Hugo and me made the drive out here. 12 hrs by car. It was good -we left early in the morn, crossed into Canada without a problem, and just aimed East.
The roads were awesomely smooth and, once we got out of the civilized area, gorgeously wooded. My only regret is the season; if this were a month later, the colors would have made me drive the speed limit, gasping all the while. In reality, I relied on my ignorance of conversion to the metric system to permit reckless speeding. Sorry officer! I'm American. You don't expect me to understand this, do you?
We stopped in Niagara for cheap food (it wasn't) and Canada's best Fish 'n' Chips (it wasn't). Also, of course, for a glimpse of the big falling water. I was more impressed by the numbers of foreign tourists than the water itself. As we struggled to leave, we wondered at Canada's genious for circular road signs that would never let us leave the country vs. Canada's idiocy for marking a path on their otherwise friendly roads. In the end, we made it to New York.
New York sucked. Sure, it was pretty, and the roads so glossy smooth my tires sang in joy, but the speed limit was 65 and you had to pay tolls the whole way. And, it lasted 4-Ever. New York state is, apparently, Huge. Seriously Huge.
Eventually we arrived in Massachussetts. Hoorah!! We only needed to get to exit 10A, do some twisty-turny-manuevering and we'd be there!! But Massachussetts is evil, and it's traffic system designed by a.) a moron, b.) a really mean person, or c.) someone who's never driven before. Exit 10A was about 100 miles into the state. The milage between exits 10 and 10A alone was 12 miles.
I don't remember when we arrived. I do remember my bladder being in the midst of a tantrum, my butt being too numb to help, and the darkness laughing as we missed roads and took unneccessary detours.
But we arrived. I am now an unofficial resident of Worcester, Mass.
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