
Activism of my own..

Hey folks! Here are some tips on how to be involved in life.

1. Get Active! Call your political representative (ie. Demorcratic Headquarters or College Democrat organization) and find out how you can get involved with their events.

2. Talk to people! Let them know your position on different issues, and have the facts to back your stance. You may not change their mind, but at least you'll get them thinking!

3. Sign up for action networks. Most activist sites have them, and I'll give you my two favorites:

Planned Parenthood- http://www.ppaction.org/ppaction/join.html

Human Rights Campaign- http://www.hrcactioncenter.org/actioncenter/join.html

They will send you an email whenever an important issue hits the House or Senate with a pre-composed letter to your representative. Click on the "send" button and away it goes! That's it! You have sent a letter to your senator, congressman, whomever needs to know, and didn't even have to pick up a pen! This stuff works -I have gotten several letters and emails back regarding my letter and the Rep's position and action on the issue.

Good Luck & Let me know how it goes...

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