
Lazy, part 2

Been a lazy, laid back weekend. After working my 3 night shifts this last week, I was REALLY pleased to have an easy Thursday and Friday. Mmmmm Sleeeeeeeeep. I spent most of Friday laying on the couch, half awake, watching Sex and the City. Truly, that has to be the most pleasurable activity in the world. It's the greatest show; it makes me happy, makes me laugh, makes me sappy, all those good things TV intends to do. (insert gooey emotions here)

Friday night a bunches of us were going to play Drunken' Clue at the Ohio house, but we got distracted by each other and the fact that the lot of us haven't hung out in a long time. It was nice to just catch up, be cool, and not deal with a smokey bar and pricey drinks. Muy divertido!

We drunk dialed Jeffner, too, cause it seems the whole world has a cell phone BUT ME, and part of having the cell is having free weekends and nights and all that. So... 3 hours later... We had her on speaker phone for a while, we were passing her around, stealing her, . . . good times. I miss that girl.

Tonight... dunno. We were planning on the concert at 231, but MC heard it is sucking, so probably not. We are trying out alternatives, including pool at the Shaft and bowling. Not much to do in this town without the 21+ Membership Card.

1 comment:

jo said...

And, hey, we offered you won, but you said ...

I won't say here so as not to embarass you :-)

Maybe Santa will bring you one, if you're good.