
Angry Day

Today was odd. Emotional. I HATE emotional days. It started with me positively dreading the idea of going in to work. I mostly like it there, but I can barely tolerate the hour commute. No, truthfully, I can barely survive the commute. I'm so damn tired in the morning it always shocks me when I pull on to Main St. Complete auto-pilot. Not so safe, I'm sure. Once there, I feel trapped. It's an hour from home, so I can't just flee when my stomache turns and twists and makes me want to vomit.

I was stressed/upset/angry about the Priority Post letter I had mailed last week. It was postmarked the 6th, before 1p. They claim, but do not promise, 2-3 day delivery. The letter was aimed for D.C. A common, high-traffic, close place. Not Abu Dahbi. Not MQT. Not Fargo. The capital. 6 days later, it's still not there. How do I know? The 45cents extra for delivery confirmation. If I knew that f*ing thing would take this long, I would've sprung for the Next Day. This is time sensitive people!!!!!! I went to the P.O. to bitch nicely. The ladies there are sweethearts, for sure, but she told me it was likely delayed as it needed to be screened for Anthrax. What?!?! I'm trying to get a job from these people, not kill them!!

I was mostly okay again when it came time to drive home. Traffic amazes me though. I nearly got oreo-ed when the car in front slammed (and I do mean slammed) on its brakes. I did likewise, heard my poor tires squealing, and looked up in time to see the car behind me start swerving and nearly ram the wall in its attempt to stop. Damn. She drove about 3 car-lengths behind me after that, like it was my idea to stop for no reason.

Then there is the way that, on 24 and 696, all traffic goes about 70 in the 55, 65 as a minimum. You do the limit, you will be smushed. Hop onto 75 from there, and people can barely manage 60 in the randomly marked 65s!! Certainly they don't notice the change back to 70mph, as they continue to drive under 65. HELLO PEOPLE!! You don't have to speed, but you do have to drive the posted, as you are a hazard when you don't. And really, it was dry, sunny, perfect. We haven't had rain for days.

It's not good to come home angry. Kinda makes you dread the next day, which just cycles me back to the top of this whole thing....

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Wow it was an emotional day for ya...sorry about that. No other way to put it but, traffic does SUCK! If it makes you feel any better, I just about got smushed (do you know the spanish for that) by a tar layer...dear god if they don't want you driving there they should put up a sign.
Over and Out