
Home, Sweet Home

What an original title, eh? Yea, I know. Screw you, too!

Really, though, I'm writing to celebrate my new home, so what else would I write? What?! New home?! You mean PC finally, 2 whole months later, found a new place for you in that big ol' country full of groups desperately-seeking-PCVs?? Why yes, they did! And a nice one, at that!

It is in a "suburb" of Kakamega (isn't that a great thought?), along the Mumias road. Shirulu, or something that sounds like that. I'm with the Wake Up Women's Group, a very dedicated, hardcore group of mamas (my favorite people in this place), who have promised to put my sorry butt to work. They have been told I left ASDP due to lack of work and stinginess on Napoleon's part, so they know they need to keep me busy or I'll leave them, too. I'll let you know work specifics as they are told to me.

My house is a step to the side, really. Can't say it's a lot better or a lot worse. Nice compound, smaller than the old, but more family-feeling. Pumped borehole. Big shamba. House is made of mud, 3 roomed (bedroom, sitting room, kitchen) and is cozy, but should be perfect for one person. Outdoor bafu and choo. Very clean feeling, no bats, still no ceiling, linoleumish floor (to make washing easier). My new mama has a HUGE place with solar power, so I can watch some TV and charge my phone there, if she's into it. She's got around 7 sons and I'm her first/only daughter, so I think she'll be into it!

For mail, I'll share an address in Kakamega with Joe, the SED volunteer to helped me to find this group. It's PO Box 2451, Kakamega 50100. Send letters IMMEDIATELY! Kakamega is 10min drive away, or an hour by bike, which Joe will be pushing me to do.

My favorite part? I'll be eating well here. They grow pumpkin, chili peppers, orange sweet potato, mushrooms, etc. The market is CLOSE, busy everyday, and when I need, I can come to Kakamega town for even more. HOO-RAH! Much love to you all, but I have to get the hell out of here so I can catch the matatu back home. Yet another night of cabbage soup for me... (I've decided, based on the slowness of todays boda drivers, that I need to reduce! That, and, there's nothing else to eat but cabbage. Oh well.)


Anonymous said...

Congrats on getting a new location. Sounds like a good fit for you. It will be interesting to hear about you new work. Love

Sarah Halter said...

Hey mzungu,

Glad you're in a place that it sounds like you like better. I just found your blog when I was googling Mundaha. I guess it's okay that i hadn't actually written since you wouldn't have gotten it anyway. When I do finally write a real letter, is there anything you want me to send with it? I can't believe they fired you, but it sounds like your current posting is a much better fit.

I was reading through an interview with "Napoleon" the other day, thought of you and thought I should come over and visit you before realizing that you're actually 2 days away now.

Kwa heri kwa sasa,