
It's gettin' cold in here, so shake off all your leaves...

oonst, oonst, oonst, oonst

(that's porn music, by the way)

Someone told the trees up here to get nekkid. The maples, being skittish little critters, first paled to a bright yellow, and then, when they realized it wasn't a joke, blushed a bright, bright red. They've started stripping, slowly, working from the top down, but you can tell they are nervous.

I'm sure it doesn't make it any easier to see the oaks, who must not have gotten the memo and are still a deep, healthy green. The pine trees, too; what mean trees! They laugh so hard their needles drop. It's like they are trying to mock the maples.

It sure is beautiful to look at, though....

1 comment:

jo said...

You are such a good writer! Thanks for bringing a smile to my face! I needed it!

love ya sweetie!