
Blossoms in Detroit??

Today was a fantastically fabulous day! Save the not sleeping part and the less-than-great-coffee part, my hair was obedient, I love my shirt, and I was headed to the city!

On my way out the front door I spotted a mourning dove in the hanging flower pot. "Odd place," I thought. Upon closer inspection (aided by her flying away in panic) I notice 2 perfect little eggs. Eggs! Baby birds!!

I am quite pleased.

We got to the city, parked in a free (scary) lot, walked through an (scary) alley, and arrived on a sunny, cloudless, warm springin' campus. I'm sure I looked like a twit with such a big grin on my face, but, I don't think I've ever been so pleased to see spring arrive! After some loitering, I interviewed with Ms. J.T. of the Peace Corps. I was nervous until I met her -what a fabulous woman! We talked for an hour, and she said, if I keep at the pace I'm at, I could be departing by fall. Yowza! We discussed where and what until our hour was up, and agreed to talk again soon...

I had to scoot back over to the 13th to get a signature. What a bunch of quacks. They all stare at me, as though I don't know what I am doing. But, in the end, all was well.

And, Huguito took a photo of the baby crocuses (crocii?) that were popping up on campus. Fabulous little things, they are!

After all of this excitement, it was time to head off on another adventure -travelling north to hunt the great white civic. Dear Hugo got some new wheels! No more of this silly 12 mpg bullshit. No sir! He has moved into the modern age, the age of global warming, fuel emmission standards and alternative energy sources! I wish I could say he was so enlightened as to buy a hybrid, but, do to Plan M.O., he had to conserve the finances. The good news? He has declared the money saved on gas will be put aside, to be saved up for a plane ticket to visit dear me in some far-away land. Ain't that the sweetest thing?

Top it all off with traffic disaster caused by a bridge that won't close (coupled with a second bridge closed for repairs), trapping it's residents on and off the island, and I had myself one hell of a day.

Whew! Naptime, indeed.

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