

CNN.com - Congress to consider birth control bill - Apr 14, 2005

It's so nice to see there is reason out there; a few politicians who understand the absurdity of taking away birth control 40 years after we were blessed with it. And it's scary to hear the talk of those who oppose it. Really brings up the idea of people who think technology is demonic.

I was so upset when I first heard, several months ago, that pharmacists were refusing BC and EC, because they 'morally' opposed it. The first story I read was about a woman in the rural south who was refused EC. While most of us could go next door to a different pharmacist, she didn't have one for some obscene amount of miles.

Aren't pharmacists supposed to be well-educated? I thought so. My disgust at the situation only doubled when I found out states were creating laws to protect those pharmacist. Backed by 'right to life' groups, most of these laws have passed.

So now the pro-choice side has gotten a bill way up at the top, the kind of bill that could be the Rock to those states' Scissors.

My favorite line in the whole article? "Brauer told Reuters she believes doctors will eventually begin ordering women to abort disabled children [...] They'll force women to kill their children... it will be like China. It's the next logical step."

Logical?? What kind of logic are you working with, lady?? 'Cause that is no type of logic to me! First, that whole 'choice' issue... if laws are protected a Dr cannot 'order' a woman to abort. A Dr can strongly advise one, generally on the grounds that the dead fetus inside you will rot and kill you, but not on GP. Secondly, why is it wrong to hypothetically abort disabled fetuses, but it isn't wrong to hypothetically abort a homosexual fetus? I mean, that's why we are hunting the 'gay' gene, isn't it? So we can better discriminate? Third, How kind of the radical right to use scare tactics to achieve their goals. The whole point of 'Choice' and our so-called 'Freedom' is the ability to make our own decisions about our own bodies. Drs are there to help guide us, but are by no means infallible. Just like, uh . . . you know.

1 comment:

Jess said...

They are quacks, as I see it, but they are also nation-wide. Laws that pass in the south effect all of us because they set precedent.
Mail order would be nice, but would it be fast enough and maintain a low cost? Some clinics, like the Planned Parenthood in MQT, give BC and EC right there. That would be nice if all clinics and Drs could distribute those types of pills themselves. Cut out those meddling pharmacists.