
I doubt this will matter...


NMU screwed me pretty hard when they shut down my email and deleted me from the server. I lost a lot of filed emails and I'm feeling bitter about it. A warning would have been appreciated. A few days notice, perhaps? Whatever.

My new main address (for better or for worse) is nearly identical to the old university one. The Alumni Association claims life-long "free" email. It's just like the last, but you squeeze - alumni. - between the @ and the nmu

Does that make sense? Does it also make sense why I'm not just retyping my full address here? Good. Now send me mail!


Update & a Movie

First, the update...

Went South on Friday, for dinner and the bar. The bar was great, at first, as the owner ('s son?) was in a fab mood and kept giving us great beers to try. "We aren't selling this yet, but I'll just stick it in the cooler for ya and let the short guy know, okay?"; "This one's great - I only have a case -we aren't allowed to sell it yet- but you gotta try it"

We likely would have left about midnight had the door not opened for 5 GI alumni to come tromping through. The night turned into an akward reunion of two groups that didn't really hang out in HS. We talked, caught up, drank beer, and thankfully ended the night with only a "good to see you," and without the nasty "call me! we'll hang out!" that tends to rise up in the holiday season when coupled with enough alcohol.

The holiday was good, as most holidays are here. I have one of those families with just enough drama to make it damn fun, but not so much to land you in therapy Jan 2. As per tradition, I got drunk on the eve with delightfully lame drinks as the jell-o shots, Hot Damn and Apple Pucker. My cousins' kids have all aged dramatically since, what?, Thanksgiving? Dunno... it was disturbing though, for sure. The gifts were good, the food was good, the sleeping late was really good...

Then the Movie Review:

Mum got some new movies for her gifts. March of the Penguins (as good as they said it was, although the "making of" clip on the Extras menu was nearly a repeat of the film. Bummer.), a couple of titles I've forgotten, and Mr. & Mrs. Smith.


I remember that one getting really good reviews, but assumed it was because it had Pitt and Jolie in it, nothing more. I mean, there are certain people who just get great reviews no matter what, and these were only 2 such examples. But really? That was a damn funny film! The plot was simple, but well executed; the characters were likeable and relatable (in the home, anyway). It got silly when Jolie goes to work -seriously, that was a little too much, but the director didn't sit on that part long. For a movie that I would have expected to be drama, action, adventure, I laughed an awful lot.

Both thumbs up on this one. Get out and rent it and stop wasting time.


Laws and Regulations

My slow-simmering cold has finally come to a boil. Yum. So, mum gives me these off-brand cold pills that are huge and full of my favorite little chemical, pseudoephedrine hydrochloride. I took a pair last night, so my head wouldn't drain while I was trying to sleep. About 20 minutes after I took them I remembered, these things jazz you up. Damn. Four hours later, I was sad not to be sleeping.

So I took another pair this morning on my way to work. Wooo! I was *so* high! I had spontaneous numbness, couldn't read hardly anything, was super slow moving... it was great. Except, I was at work. I was gonna try and do paperwork or something easy, avoiding the potentially bad deal of talking to people on the phone. But then, the boss hollers over, Baby B--! {that's what he calls me. Great, eh? He knows my pop and bro, and, as the youngest, I get referred to as Baby B--. *sigh*}. "You look horrible! Are you sick?"

Thanks, buddy. I'm stoned, this psuedoephedrine stuff makes my eyes leak, so I look like I'm crying, and half my body is numb. How can I make that look good?

On the way, I drop into my local CVS to grab some familiar Sudafed, a delightful little red pill that may cause my head to fill with helium, but doesn't cause massive numbness. In the cold med aisle, there is a shelf of pills with phenylephrine, instead of psuedoephedrine. No biggie; I just slide over to the hanging cards and pick one for Sudafed and one for the CVS-brand cold pill. You have to take these to the pharmacist, as they are now a "controlled substance". I was carded, scrutinized, frowned at and told I could only have 48 pills at a time. {for those recently emerging from caves, there are a bunch of dickwads cooking meth in their basements/kitchens/bathrooms. In addition to Drano and other cleaning agents, cold meds with psuedoephedrine are used. Meth labs tend to be volatile (they explode), and meth itself isn't really all too gentle on the brain (did you see the ingredients? Drano, dude. Drano.). So, in order to reduce meth labs, They have created a law requiring cold meds be kept behind the counter.}

I asked the pharmacist about the difference between phenylephrine and psuedoephedrine. He, looking as stoned as I felt, didn't have much to offer. Doesn't use either one, suggested maybe cost, which was the same, and doubted they'd feel any different in the system. But why would he know? What does he look like, a person who deals with drugs all day? Sheesh.


Let's say, this does NOTHING to add to my strong dislike and distrust of pharmacists. They are NOT the friendly helpful people commercials make them out to be. Not anywhere close. They are rude, arrogant, huffy and judgemental. I say, give the medicines to the doctors and the nurses so you can get your meds immediately (more or less) after the Doc tells you that you need them. Cut out the middleman entirely.

Here's to the revolution! Down with pharmacists!!!


Readers' Poll

In response to a recent conversation, I pose the following question:

If you felt sick/unwell in a chronic (as in long-term, continuous, repeated) way and found an unsettling diagnosis, due to explorations on the internet, would you still see a doctor for confirmation?

Considering the consequences -lifelong medication, doctor fees, potentially being termed 'disabled', coming face-to-face with the unpleasant...

And the benefits -keeping something from getting worse, knowing it's the right diagnosis (not just what the internet had to offer), ending the uncomfortable/miserable/life-imparing symptoms...

I'm really curious what everyone's thoughts are on this, so please post. This is a respectful place, so, although not everyone might agree with you, we will all respect you and your opinions. Won't we??



What do you do?

40 oz (to get me through the day)


Hey. Guess what?

:) (: :) (:

I'm 24!


Note to self...

... find a way to get the brain and mouth working *together* ("in harmony", as they say). Preferably with the brain one step ahead of the mouth, and not the other way around.


On Siskel! On Ebert! On Movie Reviews!!

Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire

Saw this one at an MJR -a very nice theater near home- with M&D & a million other people. It's getting hard to rate the film without the book nagging at the back of my mind. On its own, the film was indeed darker and a bit more creepy than the previous. We see You Know Who, in all his nasty glory, and the bloody recreation of YKW. For a little kid, that could definitely be freaky.

The beginning / intro was really well done - brief scenes of the Weasley's, the Quidditch World Cup, the Death Eaters (great costumes, guys!!), and then they are at school. Enough to get you going, but not to waste time. The foreign students were decent, though Fleur (or however you spell it) should have had MUCH longer hair. And those silly hats.... The dragons were great, the merpeople, the ending, all of it. Moaning Myrtle was irritating, but that's not news.

Really, it was good. I look forward to the DVD, where I can sit in the comfort of my own home and watch it all over and over again. It's hit like, $400Billion in sales already, but you should still go see it if you can.

Charlie & the Chocolate Factory

The roomie rented this one. Yowza! What a great movie! I remember people criticizing Depp when the film first came out. WHY?? Yea, he played Wonka as a total nutbag, but that is the character -the man's been isolated with Oompa-Loompas for the last xyears (I forgot to pay attention). I giggled out loud soo many times during this... Ahh, it was great.

The effects were interesting -thank Hollywood for special effects! One dude played a thousand O-Ls, just replicated all over. The sets all had a great magical feel, cartoony, distorted, and fun. The flashbacks were a tad odd, the last bit certainly odd. I really love all those people sleeping in the same bed; that's so cute.

Go see them both. Or, rent them both. Or, however you get your movies, do it. Fun, fun, fun!!



I always mean to post those random things I see around town. Never do, of course.

So, I'm driving south through the city and go under an overpass, only to see it crowded with circus-themed floats. The best? The inflated giraffe, poking out of it's caged car.

(Today was the Thanksgiving parade)


A Vacation, in brief

I was away on vacation last week -the annual trip to Grand Cayman. Things were different this year -my bro didn't go with, so I brought a Jefner instead; the cleanup from Ivan (2004) was still in progress, with a ways to go; most of the staff at Morritt's were gone, including those providing the activities. Weather was great -hot, sunny and a sufficient, shall we say, 'breeze' to keep things comfortable. I fed a stingray for the first time, got a decent tan, stayed way too sober, and hardly spent any (of my own) money.

All the shit hit on this last weekend, which was okay, 'cause now I'm alright (almost eager) with work today. Sometimes the mindless drone is welcomed, as it drowns out the other crap.

Our flight home was begun with the check-in lady yelling at us for being sooooo late (we were there an hour before the flight left, in a 3-gate airport) and a broken bottle of rum. 3 long flights later, I had counseled a rambling woman, learned about personal aircrafts over Cincinnatti, and had discussed the asinine educational programs in Texas. We got to the house at midnight.

My Peace Corps invitation had arrived, finally! The news was recieved by glum looks and silence, certainly not matching my own excitement. Curious? I am invited to go to Mozambique on May 15, 2006 in order to work in the general Health & HIV/AIDS program. {I will have much more information and details posted soon, I promise!} The PC sent a big pack of info to get me started and have promised to send more when my departure gets closer.

The bro came by and shared some wild news. I'm not sure, really, the official status of things, as he seemed unsure himself, so I don't want to spout off too much to the 3 of you out there reading this. "Winging it" or "Going with the flow" are the terms that come to mind. It's good news, don't get me wrong, just unexpected. I'm not all the way absorbed into it yet. But suddenly, I feel old.

Aye, mi pobre cabeza.


The best of both, baby!

The latest from the geniuses at Abercrombie & Fitch... There are a bunch of girls staging a girlcott, the name alone causing a sensation, and getting themselves on the Today show. To them, a hearty 'Rock on!' But, how does one girlcott a company I've disliked since high school? I don't believe I have ever bought a single thing from there. With this company, it's been the prices that disgust me more than any of the products. Hard to say if spreading the word will make a difference. My friends aren't the kind to shop there, and certainly wouldn't wear a shirt like this one if they did shop there. Maybe the answer is to get involved with kids. Be a role model and show our daughters why they should avoid clothing like this. Show our daughters they don't need to choose -you can be beautiful and feminine and still have, and better yet, USE, your brain to go places in this world.


Betty Rules!

Betty Rules! Did you know? I didn't. Not until I was there, about... a foot? from the stage. THEN. I knew. I know. And, damn, I am GLAD I found out!

We (being me and 3 gys from the Detroit Feminism Group) went to The Ark, in Ann Arbor, to see Betty. Turns out, The Ark is one of the greatest places to see music. For $17.50, we had a table right next to the right corner of the stage. This is a super small place, that feels like you are having a private party. It was so intimate.

Betty is the group of 3 tuff gys, with a cute drummer and a husband/guitarist, that sing and speak and entertain. They opened with an a capella number, then rocked, then did some humorous banter between them, then some folk, some rock, some spoken, all in circles. It really is a great show, so much more than just hearing a CD (as some bands are in concert -you wonder why you paid so much to hear a CD you already 'own', let's say).

They are seriously SO funny, my cheeks were sore at the end of the night. Their music is powerful. I really liked the 'I like the way you think, I like the beer you drink, but I don't like kissing you' song. The last song was a fab cover of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. And by 'fab', I mean, it didn't sound exactly like the original. They took a great song and owned it.

After the show, they stayed to sign and meet&great. Said they were impressed with us hot chicks, and you should keep a watch on their site, as we should all appear soon in a pic. Really great ladies!

After, we were too wound up to leave. Went to /aut/ for some drinks and a frustrating string of pool games. This cutie Chad was owning the table. We all lost miserable on our first tries with him, but all came *so* close on the second. I even did so well as to get 2 balls in on one hit. Was I excited!!!

It was great, overall and through and through. WELL worth the effort of getting to and from AA.


Granny's back!

I know you all were SO on the edge of your seats...

Hugo found out about Back Alley Bikes, a community owned/run bike shop in D-town (on Cass, to make it even better ;) ). Tuesdays they are open for do-it-yourself repair, mechanic assisted. So, there I went! Hugo helped me get Granny down there, and hefted her up the stairs. There, an (extremely) attractive 'mechanic' helped me to hang granny and proceed with surgery.

We removed the rear wheel, found a new rim, pulled the tires off each and switched, removed the tire again when we found a leak, tightened the spokes and replaced the rim. The mechanic showed me what to do, but then had me do most of the work, which is really what it's all about.

I feel like such a bad-ass now.

On the way home, I realized what an asset this could be in Africa, so I'm going back to learn/volunteer and, hopefully, get enough experience to help establish some bike repair in my community. I'm pretty excited about all this, and definitely looking forward to getting more involved.

Granny, herself, was SO pleased to be healed and healthy, she insisted we go to work together, even though I was 30 min late. She's fiesty one!


Tips from a Resume Reader, 2

Editor's note: I'm not going to bother to read my last post on this, so, any repitition should be interpreted as emphasis. Take note.

1. Photos. Ahh, photos. Seems a good way to attach a face to a name, to humanize a resume, to make sure you get remembered, and in this digital age, it's just so easy. And it's just. so. wrong. Take, for two examples, the fellas I saw today. The first just looks sooo dweeby. I haven't been able to scroll past the photo to read the resume yet, and I'm going to be totally distracted when I call him. All I can think is, 'who does he remind me of?'

The second guy, well, I know who he reminds me of. And, he was right, in that we can't forget him. He looks like Mr. Belvedere (remember him, kiddies?). Or, the dad from Family Guy, if you squint. Now, how are we supposed to talk business, with this in our head??

2. Mr. Belvedere's second sin was his over-detailed 'Personal History'. T.M.I., sir, T.M.I.

3. There is a certain amount of optimism required when doing an online application. You have to have faith that someone out there cares. That they will read your message, read your resume and take a second to phone or email you. Always remember: there are MILLIONS of people with resumes online. Honestly. Try to stand out, in a positive way.

a. *Do Not* start your cover letter with: "although I do not have skills A, B, or D, I'm really swell with skill C and understand why the other 3 are important and necessary." Um, right. We'll be calling any day now.

b. Sometimes the following will work out in your best interest. Other times, it just gets emailed around the office for a hearty afternoon giggle. Enjoy.


Monster resume #xxxxxx

Engineer ISO meaningful employment relationship


Name: X. Xxxx



Resume Headline: Engineer ISO meaningful employment relationship

Me: A sexy beast, 28, 6', 185lb; tan, muscular

You: An attractive manager/HR/executive-looking gal on the 4/5/6 train, 5 PM Friday

You checked me out as I boarded, and stared at my ass from Grand Central to 14th street/Union Square. You kept looking at my face and hands as I stood nervously, seeking your approval. Would you contact me? Can we meet up?

I think I've emailed you; at least the chances are good. I've sent my resume to most every valid email address in the tri-state area. I'm ready for work, I do IT. I can network most anything. I can be a fine Exchange and Active Directory engineer. I can reboot NT 4 boxes, though I would rather work with Exchange 2003 or Linux. But hell, who says my needs are important? I want to serve yours.

Rendezvous with me for a casual interview. I can fulfill all your fantasies. I'll whisper in your ear sweet promises: "you can work wirelessly in Central Park with no e-mail limits. I will make it happen; I will make it work. I'll show you how."

I'll load up your computer with software I picked up from my last employer. Heck, I won't even roll my eyes when you open macroviruses in Outlook. I'll just be glad to keep busy serving your needs. I need you, really I do. I miss being in a relationship. Being needed. Being courted by employees in search of backup retrievals, regardless of the reason. Being honored and lauded after solving the simplest of problems for end users. Yes, I can get back your bookmarks. I can fix your servers, make your laptop logon faster. Yes, I can go into your DataCenter set up RPC over HTTPS to your home so you can check Outlook email over your DSL connection.

I will shake your toner cartridges with passion; I will make the network go faster with ISA server, and get rid of pop-ups. I will crawl under your desk and gently straighten your cables, all if you let me. Choose me from the thousands of resumes that fall off your desk. I am special. I am proficient. Did I mention I am a sexy beast who will excite you every time you call me over for assistance with your palm pilot.

We will be happy and secure in our relationship. We will be safe from viruses because I always use McAffee protection; Our stability will never be threatened because of my nimble skills in NetIQ Network Management; And can keep everything private by using ISS intrusion detection (IDS), IPSEC, and S/MIME.

But you have to take the first step. I can only help you if I have a place in your company. I long for it; I yearn to be needed by you and to fulfill your demands. Hire me, promote me, send me emails asking for help and I will solve your problems.

But first you must read my resume and be impressed. Please, take the leap, reach out and grasp those sheets of earnest sincerity, the outpouring of my strengths, optimized for OCR scanning. Let me show you the breadth of my experience; meet with me and ask me about my weaknesses and all those other hard interview questions that no one has asked me for so long.

I've spent more time surfing internet porn today than I've interviewed in the last year. Take my hand and help me through it. You can stare at my ass the whole time. I won't complain. I won't even file a grievance. Not for the first six months. You can even walk up to my desk and touch my hand as you ask for help with your PowerPoint slides. Massage my neck as I install service packs on your laptop.

I can do anything. I'll set up a wireless network for you. I will fix your Active Directory, Windows 2003, or migrate to Exchange 2003 if you want me to. I'll hook up e-mail to your cell phone for telecommuters. I am a genius. I am pretty attractive. And I have nice abs.

Take a chance on me. You won't be sorry.


Date - - Company - - Location (removed)

Industry: IT- Software Systems & Design

Senior Windows 2003 and Exchange 2003 Consultant

Traveled around NYC and encouraged people to use Windows 2003 and Exchange 2003 instead of Linux. Fixed technical problems, major and minor stuff just so that they won't go to our competitor. Did lots of Engineering work too. If you read my resume this far, thanks! 99.359% of everything here is accurate and true, and yes I am looking for something new. Intrigued? Curious? Send me an e-mail!

Date - - Company - - Location (removed)

Industry: Banking/Finance

Technical Analyst

Performed portfolio management for all IT projects


Language Proficiency Level

American Sign Language Basic - Familiar

English Fluent - Full Knowledge {Editor here - I *luv* when people say they are fluent in english and are obviously American. Fluent in english?? God, I'd hope you are!}

Hindi Basic - Familiar

Spanish Basic - Familiar


Wow, Really?

From BBC News online today (10/12/2005): This story

"If women are healthy then they can jump start the life of their family and the economy."

"When women are educated, healthy and employed, and able to make decisions about childbearing and reproductive life, everyone benefits."

We just now figured this out? How sad is that. The important next step: will the governments or the UN take any action based on this? Or will they continue as they have been, trying to soften the symptoms of a neglected disease?


Tips from a Resume Reader

You all know the easy ones, like spelling properly and proof-reading before you print a dozen copies on that expensive paper. Let's get beyond that.

1. Include a -brief- description of your responsibilities at each job. We want to see evidence you actually use those skills you've listed.

2. Give a one-liner on the company. Please don't assume the whole wold knows what Acme Corporation does. You may give a great description of your experience as a Quality Analyst for Acme, but neglect to say what they make. That means I have to call you and "bother" you, trying to find out the details. Guess what, Bob, it annoys me, too.

3. How about a phone number that hasn't been disconnected and an email that works?

4. While we're at it, let's be professional. "LegalizeIt@biteme.net" isn't a good first move.

5. Take an extra minute to check out the format of you resume, once posted online. Be sure it's not a giant block of text. FYI: we don't read those. And there's at least one engineer out there wondering why no one has called with a job. Is that how sloppy All your work is?

...to be continued...


Long weekends

This weekend has felt crazy long. Weird. Especially as I was actually doing things. Normally that shortens the weekend, but not this time. The review:

Work - Mike, Chadd and Chadd2/Tim (or the ever-entertaining "Frick and Frack") all were in NYC for a boys only pj party. Isn't that the cutest ever? Then BossMan leaves on Wed, PReal on Thurs midday, the Greek split before lunch on Friday, with Jason just after. Made for a D-Liciously quiet week. Mmmmm :)

Home - Got the new room painted. It's a light yellow that strongly resembles the color of butter. I think it's a great color that really opens the room, brightens things. I'm working on a cloudy ceiling, and got the border done. Someone threw away the last rollerbrush, though, so the rest will have to wait until I go shop. Upstairs got Spazz to clean (CLEAN!!!), and we are getting a new pal on the 1st.

Weekend - Went to the island on Friday, mellow night in with the 'rents and without Spazz. Saturday was cool, around the house, some simple stuff. Came back to RO to see the end of the cleaning (!!!) and do the painting. Went out that night with Upstairs and Hugo. A tour of RO -O'Toules (mediocre [sp?] and full of yuppies), 5th Ave (in and out too quick to get a drink), Goodnight Gracies (decided it was the perfect place for a great date, just need to work on getting said great date; the bartender is heavy handed, and the music was pretty good), Memphis Smoke (has potential), and finally to Gusoline Alley (for those in the know, it's a sibling of Remy's).

Today I got over my anxiety to get into Caribou (do I honestly look like I'm in my 30's???) to get the NYTimes crossword. Got some good coffee and another page to this letter I'm working for my Luvr. Went to Borders with 2 books in mind and couldn't find either. Not a helper in the store, not a computer helper thing, not any assistance. Left empty handed, unlikely to return.

Alright, whatever. I'm done.



In case you have contact with anyone from AL, MS, or LA who may be interested in the following, please do share.

Throughout the month of September, Planned Parenthood Northern Michigan will provide free contraceptive care to women and men from Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, displaced by Hurricane Katrina. "We recognize that many people have been through a terrible ordeal. We are able to help in this unique way by offering free contraceptive services to displaced people who are not able to access these services through their regular provider," says PPNM CEO/Executive Director Jill Warren. Women, men, and their families in central and northern Michigan should call 1-800-230-PLAN, visit www.plannedparenthood.org/ppnm, or call one of the following numbers for information about the closest Health Center location. Marquette - (906) 225-5070 Petoskey - (231) 347-9692 Traverse City - (231) 929-1844 Mt. Pleasant - (989) 773-5602


Sorry, folks

Hey, y'all. Sorry for that word verification business on the comment section. It may pose a slight annoyance, but, it beats having all these idiots post adverts on my blog. And who wants to read that shit? Exactly.


MEDICAL: Complete. Peace Corps has completed your medical review. There are no medical holds on your account at this time.



I think I got a raise today...


The North Side

It may be too early for a life update, but, I wanna get it down while it's still knocking around my nogg.

I'm in R.O. now, officially. It's a 5-bedroom place, decent sized, with only 3 of us here so far. All chicks. A dude is supposed to show up this weekend. I met him when he was touring and he seems nice; a resemblance to my pal Petie.

1 is a nice gal. Normal. Resemblance to Brenda, from 6' Under. In more ways than one, I learned recently. 2 is... odd. Loud, crude, ... but I think I just need to get used to it. Perhaps. We shall see, shan't we?

Been in the basement. Normal sized room, no ceiling so I tacked up my old "tapestry". Bathroom is good sized and clean, quite nice if you can deal with the chilly ring every time you whiz. This weekend I'll be starting a move up to the main floor. Warmer, with a real bed, not an air bed. Will share the bathroom with 2 and Boy.

Work has been better than expected. We have a new software program to deal with, so that's been pretty good for filling days. I had a tough time with all 9 hours yesterday, but not so much today. We have a new guy there, too, so its all just been full of excitement. (can you FEEL it?)

I bike to work now, as Im a short 2 miles away. Sadly, I can already feel it in my legs. Not bad, but enough to say, 'hey fatty, about time you made us work'. Those jerks.

So, today, I'm on my way home, cruising down this divided street, riding along the median. I see a black squirrel (tons of em here) chomping a nut, so I say 'hi' and encourage him to stay on the grass. What does he do? Well, run right out in front of me and my tire, of course!! I damn near ran over a squirrel with my bike!! Damn near killed myself, too. How moronic do you have to be to DELIBERATELY run in front of traffic?

So the big dilemma: What's for dinner?


Moving Day

Today, I will be officially moving. I'm heading on up to the North side, where everything is a bit more shiny and costs twice as much. It's a house, owned by a 26 yr old (who happens to own ANOTHER house, as well), managed by his 24 yr old ex girlfriend, costing my just under $400/month. I got a bit of a cut for paying 3 months up front.

The best part of the place? It's a mile from work, give or take a titch. I'm gonna find a bike (most likely mum's old yellow granny with the extra-wide, wooly seat) so I can cruise in to the office every morning. Considering I'm in D-town, winter shouldn't be too hard; cold but not necessarily snowy. Meaning, the bike riding could carry me well into the winter months.

I've met 2 of the residents: the manager, who is there when not at her current bf's place, and the new fellow who is moving into the best room -the upstairs loft, which runs for 150 more than any other room. (YOW) If only I had that kind of money...... There is a fellow leaving by Oct 1, at which point we will clean and repaint his room for me to shift into, a gal who is there until further notice, and... oh. That's it.

It should all be most interesting. Rest assured, I will keep you posted.

p.s. My blood cells have all increased to "normal" levels. Plenty of reds, hemoglobin, hematocrit, all those iron-relevant words. The report was faxed to Peace Corps yesterday evening. Stay tuned.



The latest things in life....

Was down in Ohio for a chum's wedding. It was cool, but crazy to realize she is married now. I'm starting to feel grown up, and it's a very peculiar sensation. The hubby seems nice. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, as she thought him fit for marriage. Smart girl, sane enough, ... Can't deny she knows him better than me, making her a more qualified judge. It would be nice to get to know him, though. More than a last name and shoe size, I mean.

Working on an apt. in the northern 'burbs. Gonna leave my downriver roots behind and "join the real world", as my boss keeps telling me. I'm already sad about leaving my Bella at home; it's not fair to take her with me just to move her back here in a few months. Really, it's not fair to that other brat-cat to give her relief from her nemisis, only to bring her back again. I'm selfish, though. I want my kitty with me.

I guess that's about it... I know there was more, but, hey, I'm a goldfish. I do what I can.


The beginning and the end

So, here it is:

Peace Corps app was going okay, until my iron test showed I was iron-defient anemic. The medical folk in Washington, D.C. decided that anemia, coupled with a low heart rate, migraines and chronic insomnia, was just not a good thing to have when travelling to Africa. When I should have been getting a letter of invitation, I instead got a letter saying, 'sucks to be you, but keep us updated. Maybe you'll get a postcard.' I called Jeri, my recruiter, and she confirmed there were no programs for me until January or so.

The downside:

*I'm not going to Africa, at least... not for 6 months or so.

*I'll be here for the opening of our new Walmart, which I've been dreading since I first saw the sign at the construction site.

*All the new fall television I didn't want to get sucked into? Yep, I'll be here, rotting my brain.

*Winter. In Detroit, no less. Could there be an uglier place for such a great season?

*Major postponements in the graduate school situation. (but perhaps that's a perk?)

*I won't get to learn an obscure, but still cool, African language *6 more months of *this*.

The upside:

*Jeri said the January program was to Latin America, not Africa, so I'd get to use my spanish, which is great.

*I have time to take part in a sleep study at WSU, which, if it goes well, will net me some hard cash

*More time to work, again with the money thing (did I mention graduate school? that stuff ain't cheap)


*Don't need to rush on my GRE's, so maybe a better score, and time to retake if I really f-up.

Bottom line: I'm not happy. I was really getting geared up, eager to leave, excited to start the journey. And now I have to wait a minimum of 6 months, while paying all sorts of lab fees to keep monitoring my iron levels.

And that's it. Maybe there will be more to say in December. But, until then...

The End.


Ani, My Ani

Wednesday night was a great night in the history of my life. I *finally* got to an Ani DiFranco concert. A pal and his pal (a first pal once removed?) came down from the arctic to join Huguito and I for a night of jammin' guitar, which made the whole thing better.

The tickets were for lawn -a bit cheaper, a bit more comfortable, and since I haven't figured out how to dance to Ani's music, a bit more practical. We were there early enough to have a close parking spot and a real good lawn spot, save the chatty cathys next to us. The atmosphere was excellent, and that can really make or break an event. It was chock-full of women, and yes, to fit the stereotype, most were lesbians.

Erin McKeown (or some spelling like that) opened, all by herself with only an electric guitar to help her through. She was quite good though - I liked her voice, she plays well, the music was fun. Then Ani came on with Todd (?) who plays an upright bass. And damn, does he play! His addition to the whole thing added so much depth, it was really great.

At one point, S commented on the perfection of the night, on how there are times in life when you just feel so serene. Lying on the grass, under the darkening sky, with Ani DiFranco a short distance away, playing her fabulous music, and good friends with you and a crowd of good, mellow people.... I'm not entirely sure there are better ways to spend an evening.


Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

In and out.

Mum and I went to Meijer last night at 11p to wait for the 12:01a release of HP #6. A decent line when we arrived, good atmosphere, nice. At precisely 12:01a, the line began moving and we got our copy. It's thinner than #4, at only 652 pages, which I admit was a bit of a disappointment. Books this good... it's such a pain to reach the end.

12:34a I began reading, curled in a chair in the basement, away from the blare of the TV. Immediately, I was sucked in. Unlike the previous 5, Rowling dove right in to the story with hardly a beat missed. There was no recap -you either knew the story or you were to remain confused. And with that was an aura of urgency. It was a more dramatic story than any before.

5:20a I took a break to sleep. Awake at 10a, I got back to reading as soon as I got a mug of coffee. Potty breaks and one food break, small opportunities to refuel for the journey. 5:30p and I was finished. 17 hours from beginning to end, if you don't stop the clock for sleep.

Should you read it? Well, yes, if you are an HP fan. Be prepared, though. This is not the children's book it is claimed to be. This is a book for adults; a dark, heavy, and difficult book. Reviewers themselves note #6 to be "the darkest and most unsettling installment yet." [New York Times reviewer Michiko Kakutani]

The light in all the gloom: "You get a lot of answers in this book," Rowling [sic] said as she arrived at Edinburgh Castle for a special midnight reading before thousands of adoring fans. A lot of answers that open the door for new questions. This is going to be a seriously long year, awaiting HP#7.


Angry Day

Today was odd. Emotional. I HATE emotional days. It started with me positively dreading the idea of going in to work. I mostly like it there, but I can barely tolerate the hour commute. No, truthfully, I can barely survive the commute. I'm so damn tired in the morning it always shocks me when I pull on to Main St. Complete auto-pilot. Not so safe, I'm sure. Once there, I feel trapped. It's an hour from home, so I can't just flee when my stomache turns and twists and makes me want to vomit.

I was stressed/upset/angry about the Priority Post letter I had mailed last week. It was postmarked the 6th, before 1p. They claim, but do not promise, 2-3 day delivery. The letter was aimed for D.C. A common, high-traffic, close place. Not Abu Dahbi. Not MQT. Not Fargo. The capital. 6 days later, it's still not there. How do I know? The 45cents extra for delivery confirmation. If I knew that f*ing thing would take this long, I would've sprung for the Next Day. This is time sensitive people!!!!!! I went to the P.O. to bitch nicely. The ladies there are sweethearts, for sure, but she told me it was likely delayed as it needed to be screened for Anthrax. What?!?! I'm trying to get a job from these people, not kill them!!

I was mostly okay again when it came time to drive home. Traffic amazes me though. I nearly got oreo-ed when the car in front slammed (and I do mean slammed) on its brakes. I did likewise, heard my poor tires squealing, and looked up in time to see the car behind me start swerving and nearly ram the wall in its attempt to stop. Damn. She drove about 3 car-lengths behind me after that, like it was my idea to stop for no reason.

Then there is the way that, on 24 and 696, all traffic goes about 70 in the 55, 65 as a minimum. You do the limit, you will be smushed. Hop onto 75 from there, and people can barely manage 60 in the randomly marked 65s!! Certainly they don't notice the change back to 70mph, as they continue to drive under 65. HELLO PEOPLE!! You don't have to speed, but you do have to drive the posted, as you are a hazard when you don't. And really, it was dry, sunny, perfect. We haven't had rain for days.

It's not good to come home angry. Kinda makes you dread the next day, which just cycles me back to the top of this whole thing....


I'm Too Macho for Myself

I feel like such a badass! I *finally* got to work reupholstering this armchair I bought... a year ago? Two? I think it was shortly after the big X hit the Fitch house, which was a year ago now. Anywho.. I borrowed a handy do-it-yourself book that is almost foolproof (hence, perfect) when I was in MQT. On Saturday, I got to work on the last bits of stripping before really working on the rebuilding.

It has been FUN! I bought some spiffy tools for half of what they were marked for (which means I paid close to actual value) with my kool-kid 50% off coupon. My hammer is half magnetic to pick up and knock in the little tacks. And I have a scary looking web-stretcher, some curved needles and an 8" needle. My dad found some old (as in 1960's) tacks in the basement, so that was awesome. AND the craft store had a half-off sale on fiber fill and batting on Sunday when I went to stock up. Just happened to be that way; it's not like I was smart enough to read the advert.

I'm at the last stages, with most of the final material put on. I miscut some of it, so I need to redo, but, that's no biggie. As soon as it is all complete, I will attempt to post photos to show off my handiwork. In the meantime, rest assured, It's a waycool and waycomfy armchair!


Feeling a bit POSTY today, are we???

I found this GREAT website. Well, really, I found several. A couple were British, so now I have BritSpeak in my head. But yea, anyhow... Bust is damn fine entertainment **and yet** it is informative, as well! WHOA! Yes, indeed ladies, there is much to be learned here. Gents, you may be inclined to visit and develop some empathy and understanding, OR, as I read at another site, if you are an M2F transfer, it may be of some assistance. Did you know there are classes for that?? Learning the culture of the other gender? Crazy good fun, I imagine...

I'd tell you all what I was reading about and searching for, but... Of my 3 readers, 2 are male and the other is my mum. *sigh* Maybe I should advertise.....

Another Choice

Some of you aren't as much of a feminist as I am... so, for you, I offer People for the American Way (PFAW), which at a quick glance seems to be a general leftist organization. Take a look around. Perhaps there will be more here that you can identify with.

It's Time to Get Active

Well.. the first one has stepped down. Sandra Day O'Connor has officially retired. We've (and by 'we', I mean political activists) known for a while now that several of the Supreme Court judges would be leaving us. They are old, they've served a long term, and they tried to last long enough to see another Democrat in the White House. That would have been an assurance that their succesor would not be a right-wing conservative. Unfortunately, we have Shrub, and he is aiming exactly for a strict conservative who will swing the votes on so many important social issues.

I've gotten emails from Planned Parenthood, NARAL, NOW and the Human Rights Campaign today asking for action. I URGE everyone out there to do the same. Fight hard for a moderate judge who will be fair and logical in their decision making. Fight hard for a judge who will protect your rights and freedoms in the United States, the land we consider to be the home of the free. This issue goes beyond abortion, so don't let the Right trick you into thinking that's all this is. It includes gay rights, affirmative action, and protecting the people. Even just looking at reproductive rights, there is access to accurate and comprehensive sex education, birth control, and emergency contraception and even basic medical care for poor or uninsured women -all ways to PREVENT the need for abortion.

The Human Rights Campaign has pointed out 2 very bad options for judges, and I know the other groups will have their own lists. For your information:

**Michael McConnell, a U.S. Court of Appeals judge. Here's what he has to say about GLBT anti-discrimination statutes, which he opposes: "At bottom, the problem is that anti-discrimination statutes label anti-homosexual feeling as 'discrimination' -- akin to racism. The law thus contains an approval of homosexual behavior."

**Michael Luttig, another U.S. Court of Appeals judge, who has upheld the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy criticizing fair-minded judges for even discussing the issue of whether the military had the right to exclude openly homosexual individuals from service.

I'll keep you posted on any others. Until then, start emailing or writing or calling (or all of the above) your senators and tell them they'd better fight tooth and nail to stop the Right from placing a conservative judge.


A Weekend in the Wilderness

After a very stressful and painful Thursday, Hugo and I made it into da UP in about 7 hours. We arrived in time to wander down to the Base, meet a pal (MTY!!!) and watch the Pistons lose. *sigh* Did I mention I got to see MTY? [insert giant grin here]

Saw more folk on Friday -a few at the coffee shop, then at the HPO. Went out to a tasty dinner and a few bars. I got to DANCE!!! Oh, the joy! JD and I hustled in the Shammy, then really rocked to Phat Funkadelic at the UpFront. All the ladies joined us, as did one's new boyfriend. He was a fun and wild dancer, accentuated by his crazy thinness and wireyness. It was just fabulous. Just fabulous! Got to meet the band (duh!) and harass them a bit. Bunch of cuties from Wisconsin.

Saturday involved time at the beach, mmmmmmmmmmm, time shopping, mmmmmmmmm (I got green pants!), and then cooking a damn fine salmon dinner. Again, we went out to the bars. Back to the UpFront, cause the boys promised to play Super Freak for me. Turns out they were right, they can't play it! But they were sweet to try it. Then the Matrix - I walk in and meet a buddy, stand talking with him for a moment. A minute in, some guy walks up and asks, 'do I know you? from (some city I've never heard of)?' Nope. Not a clue. He is barely gone when this other guy walks up and half hugs me, then realizes I'm not who he thought. Immediately apologizes and swears he thought I was some chick from Skandia. Nope. So, my buddy starts to tell a friend of his who just walked up about all these guys, when I feel this hand on my back. I turn around, and this time I actually knew the guy! Used to be the keg supplier for the Fitch House Fiestas. We hit Remies to cap off the bar scene, where the 'tender came up, hugged me, said he missed me, and got me a free drink. Fa' shizzle! The night was capped (?) at 231, in the dying embers of a party. I found my old swing partner (swing dancing, you freak) on the floor, so we spun ourselves sick to the techno beat. Now, swinging to techno is *fun*.

Sunday was more mellow. A climb up Sugarloaf (didn't have the time/supplies for Hoggie, and didn't seem the same without my JLB) that included an encounter with a hummingbird and my neon yellow nalgene was first on the list. Then to see my favorite boys at the boss' house. Man, they need a haircut! I was skritching Max the Marmalade and having gobs of fur come flying off. Good thing this was all outdoors! Then, more beach, lunch, more beach, dinner and some peaceful around-the-house-bsing.

All in all, it was great. Soooo good to see the people that I have missed. Soooo good to get out with my girls and dance and dance and dance. I was reminded of why we endure a UP winter -to be a part of the UP summer. And what a welcome break to the paved cage in which I reside. I was reminded of the vast potential in Marquette. There were times, living there, it seemed a dead-end place, but, I wonder if the paint hadn't just faded with age. Coming back was like seeing your childhood home, familiar and nostalgic, with a fresh new coat. All that potential was there the whole time, I just... didn't always realize.



1. I have a major crush on Kenneth Brown. I just want to grab him and cuddle him and make him tell me stories about how we'd decorate our love nest. Those pictures aren't very good; I just couldn't find a better one. Trust me, he's hot.

2. I got a haircut last night. It was with a new lady, our first time together. She mighta been a little rough, a little forward, a little... much? But then, I wasn't good at communicating, either. I didn't express my needs or my boundaries. *sigh* You just can't rush into a new relationship. Totally new styles on a first appointment... only leads to broken hearts or painful misunderstandings. We'd have been better off taking it slow, getting to know one another with a simple trim-session. But: at least there is no confusing "mystery" to deal with, and I think we both know I won't be needing to call her for a long while. Although, ...something tells me she'll make a Great rebound!

3. For those who are interested in a bit of reality, there has been no updates on the Peace Corps situation. Still in a holding pattern as the good folks in D.C. review my medical history. I will post as soon as I know anything more.


Week, In Review

My summer employment has taken a step forward. I'm an office girl now, joining the commuters Monday through Thursday. My boss is so laid back, he doesn't care when I show up or take off, so I've been able to plan my day around rush hour. It's not a fun or smooth drive (my god, the potholes and construction site are going to EAT MY CAR), but it could absolutely be worse. I'm still in the recruiting business, but now I'm strictly in the IT field, and I get to make calls and send emails. oooooohh.

The office is below a Starbucks, which would be a major hazard, if not for the killer coffee machine in the kitchenette. I drink the 'Dark Magic' blend, which is not quite espresso strength. I'm thinking, and this is just a hunch, that the amount of crazystrong coffee I consume at work is related to the insomnia I suffered all last week. There *may* be a connection, but the report is not yet in. I'll let y'all know.

I'm road-tripping this weekend (24-27) to the great white north. I'm hoping for nice hot weather again, as I'm dying to be on the beach. All I keep reading about here is the bacteria levels in the nearby lakes and beaches, and how it's not safe for anyone to swim or, as of today, even play in the sand. And that's, of course, if you feel like driving to find a people-beach and then want to pay to get access. I like free, clean, safe to use beaches with safe to use water and room to spread out.

Outside of beaching, there's the bars. I miss the bars. A couple of my girls are still in town, and I am so ready to get out and dance. I know the town will be near empty, but, I also know that my friends aren't the type to care if the dance floor is full or not. We will make it full. ...And being able to afford the drinks...!! $2 instead of $4, liquor you can taste, ... oh man!

Marky-Mark isn't going to be there, and I'm not pleased. He's promised to try and visit soon, though, even if it's somewhere north, in the middle. Damn, I miss that boy. The gas prices are actually rising again, and I'm not pleased. We are taking Hugo's auto, Hannah, and she gets better miles than Bonnie at last check. In Bonnie, I can usually get from the driveway to the university on exactly one tank of gas. She's been losing that though, and it has taken a tank and a half the last coupls of trips. Maybe a miracle will happen and prices will drop for the weekend, and gas will only cost $1.50. Imagine!


What's new?

Hmmmmmm..... What's new?

Went downtown yesterday, for the Detroit Festival of the Arts. The plan was to learn how to dance zydeco, but we got late and only caught the very tail end. Bummer. The music was good, though. A dude named Dexter from N'Orleans and a band from Somewhere, Illinois, and then CJ Chenier. The last guy was fun, as I had seen him play in MQT. Quite a different vibe here. Not indoors, no snow... Maybe less dancing here, but, it could just be the space difference, too. Much more room when you play outdoors.

Ballroom dance classes are officially over. *sigh* We learned to do the West Coast swing, Fox Trot, Waltz and Salsa. The dancing was a lot of fun, but mostly, it's just nice to get out and do something different.

Other than that... Hugo and I are planning a trip to the North Pole in a few weeks. Anyone wanna come along?? It should be a good time; it's warmer now and the beach will be FABULOUS! Unlike these southern lakes, good ol' girl Superior is crisp and clean and pollutent-free. You will NOT grow extra limbs for accidently ingesting her as you swim. (That's a good thing, by the way) So, yea, give a holla if you want to tag along. Everything's better in groups!


Busy busy

Busy day today. Well... a full day. How's that?

Hit up the Salvation Army. I've been getting some good stuff from there lately. Had 2 things in mind: a beer mug and some plain shirts. The mug was gone, of course, but I nabbed 3 shirts for $4. It was awesome. I'm jazzed. One makes me look awesome bronzed. Another has been decorated already, and the last is just awaiting a method of decoration.

Then to the Red Cross. I was *just* able to give, with my iron right at the minimum. I'm so happy! It feels good to be a pint short. They all keep saying how blood runs shorter through the summertime -a combo of higher need and less donated. Y'all make a point to get out and give, at least once this summer. Do what you can to help save someone's life.

I did some stuff, then stopped by my grandpa's pharmacy. Today is the 40th anniversary of legal birthcontrol for married couples. Can you believe? It's only been 40... To know our parents were born and raised without what is now such basic health care. I stopped to ask if they filled BC & EC scripts. Dude, that guy was SO uncomfortable talking with me. I'm not sure why, cause I was nice about it. No reason not to be. There is so much shit these days, with the politicians making it legal for pharmacists to refuse to fill a woman's birth control or emergency contraception for "moral" reasons. It isn't their job to decide what is morally right for a woman. It IS their job to fill a prescription written by a doctor who has the education and knowledge to decide the appropriate medication for their client. And while some of us, in the bigger cities can say, 'yea, go to another pharmacy and quit complaining', not every woman has that choice. Not every town has multiple pharmacies, not every woman has access to drive all over the place finding one that will give her pills. And why should anyone have to fight so hard to get a legal medication??

And for any of you Antis out there, remember that controlling one's fertility leads to more wanted children and less unplanned pregnancies. That's a good thing, no matter which side you are on.


Movie Review


The Terminal with Tom Hanks as an eastern European man stuck in the New York airport, waiting for the beurocracy to set him free. I rate it high, for a number of reasons. Hanks manages to let us see the character, and not the actor. Anyone who has spent time in an airport can identify with a lot of what he goes through in this. There is character bonding, building and a little bit of love. Go out and rent it, it's worth the couple bucks.

Gigli with Bennifer as a pair of thugs trying to do some contract work with a new Rainman. Yea, yea, yea, I know... it's gotten the worst reviews by the professionals. We just needed something brainless and wanted to see if being drunk would make it good. It didn't. The plot was ... empty. The writing was out-of-the-box with excessive obviousness and elaboration in all the wrong places. See it if it's free, just to say you did, but try to make sure there is a lot of alcohol involved. Anyone know a drinking game for this film yet?

Hitch with Will Smith as a dating contractor. A sweet, funny movie, good writing, good timing. It came close, at times, to hitting the cheese, but always danced just around it. Well done! Make an effort to get out and see it, especially now that it is at the dollar show.



I dragged Mr. Hugo to la Cruja Roja today. It was gonna be a fun "together" activity. I was so happy to have finally convinced him to give blood. (This took several months of work) And what happens when we get there??

No, he didn't wimp out; he bravely went forward to face the needle. But me? I get rejected!!

Grrr...! I was SO disappointed. Instead of losing a pint, I picked up an adorable shirt, the new pin for '05, and got to watch Hugo endure his first time at the needle. Lucky for him, he apparently has gigantic veins that have just been dying for a needle. It seemed easy work for the nurse, but then, they are professionals. We will skip the details on the story, for personal reasons, but I will go ahead and say he got it all in the first attempt. Mayhaps he will be brave enough and bold enough for a return trip in August?

The holiday weekend was great. Weatherwise, no, but, I got to see some family. My paternal family is so wildly different from my maternal family... It's amazing. Mind-blowing sometimes. But it cranks up the adventure scale and keeps things fresh. I smoked my first cigar there, with my family all puffing on a Stogie of their own. Yes, mum too. It must've made an odd scene, which, thinking on it now, I'm sorry we didn't get a group shot. Just a bunch of individual pics. Darn.


Mmmm.... Ass.

I feel like ass today. This evening, to be specific. I was up early and out the door to visit the north side (aka. the 'nice side') of D-Town. I had an interview, which I think means I have a job. My dad totally got it for me, but, you know, it's gonna be fun and I'm jazzed. And it's a job that pays. Money. Income. American currency. It is an office of younger folk, pretty casual (I felt way over-dressed in my lame 'office wear'), and the 2 I talked with were super nice. Plus, there is a fancy coffee maker there. Oh yea, sign me up!

I think it's gonna be a mostly-from-home job, with a weekly visit. That's fab, as it's an hour ride up there. So, techinically, I can go to work naked. Neat, eh? Things may change...

From there, I went to the eye-ball doc, found out that even cheap-ass looking glasses are too expensive and also found out my prescription hasn't changed since Aug, which is very good. Decision A: is it worth 40 extra for polarized sunglasses? Decision B: should I even try to get schnazzy frames for those sunglasses, or just go with tolerable and inexpensive ones? Decision C: should I risk taking my nice, plastic-framed glasses to Africa, knowing they may break, melt, or just deform, in order to save a hundred bucks? Comments are encouraged!! My very-own web designer is creating my comment section, so look for that soon. In the meantime, you might have my email.


Back in the USofA

No one can see my titles anymore... but that's okay; I know they are there.

I'm back in the home land. Got in late Monday after a wretched flying fiasco. Jenn and I slept in the Madrid airport, since it seemed it would be impossible to get to the airport at 5a. (Metro didn't start till 6:30a, no busses running, taxis too costly, walking would SUCK.) Sleeping, really, is just the phrase. We didn't. We each had some time to nap on the cold, hard nasty tile floor, but then just sat in the cafeteria talking, watching, and eating the last of our carry-on.

We saw some bad things in that airport cafeteria.

The flight, scheduled to leave at 7:30a, left at 9a, eating up the hour and a half layover we should have had in Brussels, Belgium. France threw a tantrum and all the civil workers took a day off. Control tower employees count as civil workers. Iberia air landed us in Brussels at 11.05a. The connection that about 10 of us had was at 11.05a. No one at Iberia did anything to help, so we got to walk allllllll the way across this stupid-ass airport, trying to find the ticket counters. The Iberia counter had a total of 1 person there, and he was apparently a moron. An hour later, Jenn and I were rebooked.

Must've been back in that line, you think? Nooooo. We were first in line. A & B. 1 & 2. And it took an hour.

Jenn went to Amsterdam, then to her home destination on KLM. I got to go to London, then Washington, Dulles, then my home destination. Thankfully, the first two were on British, and they are a fabulous airline. Good food, free alcohol, Great staff... Absolutely pay a little extra to get British!!

Later I might actually write about the trip. Imagine!


Im in a warm little internet cafe that cost way more than advertised outside. Whatever. The party-place hostel that I am in uses the computer for music and movies, so they dont have to go outside and see the light. Meaning, no free internet as advertised. Note: avoid hostels that offer free beer and wine, unless a heavy partier, someone with a Lot of time, or you sleep through tornadoes.

Florence has been great. We are leaving this afternoon for Venice, for a day and a half or so. One night only, I hope, as it is quite expensive. Then Milan, France, and finally: Spain!

It all has been extremely interesting here, with lots of chaos and drama. Grin and bear it. Thats all you can do.


italy 1

From Rome:

Naples sucks, dont go there. Go south, were it is all much more beautiful. Indeed. Warm, sunny, getting some burns, in spite of the block. Saw some beautiful things, done some groovy things, etc.

Travelling at night is a BAD idea. Why? You cant see where you are going. Wheres my stop? Not sure, cant see. Ask? Well... when you meet a fellow who speaks french, italian, and arabic but NOT spanish or english, its rather hard to ask. Not for lack of trying. So, that has been quite the adventure. Been lost a few times already, too, but I dont always see that as terrible. Depends on how hungry you are and how bad you want to get somewhere. Deadlines suck.

But I am rather tired from all of this and need to get some major sleep. Ciao.


Leaving on a jet plane

A day and a half, and I am outta here. I'm headed off to Europe to play and get the hell out of Dodge. 2 weeks abroad is a much needed vacation from my life. The stress, the decisions, the frustrations, the lack of life... it's weighing heavy. I'm gonna get gone and be with my dearest friend in a country where nobody knows my name or expects anything of me. I'm gonna try to blend in, have fun, see the sights and just *be*.

In the meantime, poor Hugo feels my stresses. I think I was a bit more aggressive than usual last night at dance. I went with a chip on my shoulder and, unlike the week before, was unable to Hustle it off. We are Finally moving beyong swing to ballroom moves, just in time for me to be gone. But, the partner in groove has sworn to attend class and learn and teach me many a move when I return.

Until next time...


Holy Moly!

My goodness!

It's been Bjorkapalooza here on the island. (yes, it IS an island!!) They swarmed in and made themselves at home- which is good, cause this family doesn't cater. But, man! They can be LOUD and talk a LOT and, whooo, you better keep close tabs on the wine bottles... I'm tellin' ya.

Damn good times though. Thursday night the first 3 arrived, so we had 2 bottles of wine in honor. Friday, we got another, so there went a bottle. Saturday was the party and... yea. wow. Half !surprise! and half 'this is your life'. Add in the bottle of wine that was consumed in the preparations... All night long we partied. Sunday.. there was more.

Oh, yes, and with half the folks coming from southern states and being afraid of weather below 60*, of course we got snow. What's that? Snow? Yes. SNOW. And it STUCK. The baseball game got snowed out (darn). Just rain since the weekend, so the snow is gone and the blossoms and flowers have recovered.

They'll hate me for saying this, but... why do old people luv to talk about their butts?? I haven't had this much butt talk since I lived with Arlene. My god...

AND! I am leaving for Italy on Saturday, so I have to spend the rest of the week packing. Yipes!! A lot to do in a little bit of time. (I don't handle packing well, btw) But I am so so so so so so so so so so excited to go!


Oh, Canada


Once again, the Northern Neighbors have shown themselves smarter than U.S. They've gone ahead and allowed emergency contraception (EC) to be given by a pharmacist without a prescription.

One lady in the article is upset there will be no counseling to the moral side of using EC, but, I wonder... How many doctors take the time to counsel a woman who has come in for a prescription? Doctors all seem so overworked anymore; so rushed to get through the patient list. It is a bit sad, though. I met a woman who told me about her 5 abortions and how sad she is now about them. She feels she kept going back because of the way the nurses would take care of her, so motherly, making up for her own distant mother. She, too, feels there should be counseling for women, especially when they keep returning.

I really forsee better access to EC reducing the abortion rate. And that, really, is the deeper issue here. Prevention first, of course, but Plan B when prevention fails. We just can't keep letting the conservatives teach our children about "the evils of" sex with their 'abstinence only' campaign. Good, thorough, accurate information at the age-appropriate time.


Hello Summer!

Busy days... family will be swarming in to town in the next few days, so we are trying to clean up the joint in preparation. Seems to be the nice thing to do for our guests. Sunday, we cleaned windows and blinds. It was great weather, and, really, the work isn't that hard. Just repetitive. We cleaned the windows (inside and out) in the living room and dining room before getting too worn out to continue. It's amazing, though, how much brighter everything is!

Today I had a job interview at Walden Books. It was alright. The fellow interviewing didn't seem to think I have enough customer service experience. I tried my best to convince him otherwise. When asked why I applied to Waldens, I mention sales exp. and wanting to work in a quiet environment. He makes a face and explains the impending Border Express transition, where the bookstore will become brightly colored, louder and more enthusiastic. Uniforms will be required. *sigh* I must be one of a small number who prefer my bookstores to resemble libraries -quiet, peaceful, help available, but leave me alone unless I ask for assistance, let me just *be* with the books. He says they have tested out this new thing, and it must have worked. He didn't seem to Wow-zered at the end, so my hiring will more likely depend on the rest of the people sucking.

But, it is 80* and gorgeous out. That should make me happy, right?



CNN.com - Congress to consider birth control bill - Apr 14, 2005

It's so nice to see there is reason out there; a few politicians who understand the absurdity of taking away birth control 40 years after we were blessed with it. And it's scary to hear the talk of those who oppose it. Really brings up the idea of people who think technology is demonic.

I was so upset when I first heard, several months ago, that pharmacists were refusing BC and EC, because they 'morally' opposed it. The first story I read was about a woman in the rural south who was refused EC. While most of us could go next door to a different pharmacist, she didn't have one for some obscene amount of miles.

Aren't pharmacists supposed to be well-educated? I thought so. My disgust at the situation only doubled when I found out states were creating laws to protect those pharmacist. Backed by 'right to life' groups, most of these laws have passed.

So now the pro-choice side has gotten a bill way up at the top, the kind of bill that could be the Rock to those states' Scissors.

My favorite line in the whole article? "Brauer told Reuters she believes doctors will eventually begin ordering women to abort disabled children [...] They'll force women to kill their children... it will be like China. It's the next logical step."

Logical?? What kind of logic are you working with, lady?? 'Cause that is no type of logic to me! First, that whole 'choice' issue... if laws are protected a Dr cannot 'order' a woman to abort. A Dr can strongly advise one, generally on the grounds that the dead fetus inside you will rot and kill you, but not on GP. Secondly, why is it wrong to hypothetically abort disabled fetuses, but it isn't wrong to hypothetically abort a homosexual fetus? I mean, that's why we are hunting the 'gay' gene, isn't it? So we can better discriminate? Third, How kind of the radical right to use scare tactics to achieve their goals. The whole point of 'Choice' and our so-called 'Freedom' is the ability to make our own decisions about our own bodies. Drs are there to help guide us, but are by no means infallible. Just like, uh . . . you know.


Uncomfortably numb :(

I got to play with spray paint yesterday! FUN, right? It was a med/lrg sized wicker shelf, formerly of a icky teal-green color. I thought, "hey, wicker, that's lacey, open and will take mere minutes to paint!" Ha ha, silly me.

3 cans of black semi-gloss spray paint later... It is basically done. There are sneaky places that refused color, and entire bottoms of shelves, but, it is basically done.

So, you know how people on TV always wear face masks while spray painting? For safety or whatever? 24 hours later, I'm wondering if I should have done that... My finger, the Master Commander of the Spray Paint Can (formerly known as "pointer" or "index"), is still numb. Uncomfortably so. Well, the tip of it anyway; the last joint, or, more specifically, the distal portion of said joint.

Not cool.

I also am feeling more stupid than usual. I'd say we should be having a funeral for all those brain cells that were massacred yesterday. I'm hoping for some regeneration, but, I'll admit there's some trepidation there. In the meantime I'm abstaining from Alcohol & Other Drugs while upping my consumption of h2o. That's good, right?


New, in the life...

I painted my nails tonight.

My toes are a deep, irridescent blue.

Nine of my fingers are hot pink. One is baby blue.

I threw away three bottles of gunky polish, so I feel that counts as cleaning. Which means I cleaned my room 2x today.

Do I get a prize?


Blossoms in Detroit??

Today was a fantastically fabulous day! Save the not sleeping part and the less-than-great-coffee part, my hair was obedient, I love my shirt, and I was headed to the city!

On my way out the front door I spotted a mourning dove in the hanging flower pot. "Odd place," I thought. Upon closer inspection (aided by her flying away in panic) I notice 2 perfect little eggs. Eggs! Baby birds!!

I am quite pleased.

We got to the city, parked in a free (scary) lot, walked through an (scary) alley, and arrived on a sunny, cloudless, warm springin' campus. I'm sure I looked like a twit with such a big grin on my face, but, I don't think I've ever been so pleased to see spring arrive! After some loitering, I interviewed with Ms. J.T. of the Peace Corps. I was nervous until I met her -what a fabulous woman! We talked for an hour, and she said, if I keep at the pace I'm at, I could be departing by fall. Yowza! We discussed where and what until our hour was up, and agreed to talk again soon...

I had to scoot back over to the 13th to get a signature. What a bunch of quacks. They all stare at me, as though I don't know what I am doing. But, in the end, all was well.

And, Huguito took a photo of the baby crocuses (crocii?) that were popping up on campus. Fabulous little things, they are!

After all of this excitement, it was time to head off on another adventure -travelling north to hunt the great white civic. Dear Hugo got some new wheels! No more of this silly 12 mpg bullshit. No sir! He has moved into the modern age, the age of global warming, fuel emmission standards and alternative energy sources! I wish I could say he was so enlightened as to buy a hybrid, but, do to Plan M.O., he had to conserve the finances. The good news? He has declared the money saved on gas will be put aside, to be saved up for a plane ticket to visit dear me in some far-away land. Ain't that the sweetest thing?

Top it all off with traffic disaster caused by a bridge that won't close (coupled with a second bridge closed for repairs), trapping it's residents on and off the island, and I had myself one hell of a day.

Whew! Naptime, indeed.


It's Spring-time in Detroit!

Yah-Hoo! The season's have switched shifts and here we are! I went down to D-Town last week and did my best to soak up every drop of the sunny 60-some degree weather. Mmmmmmmm

I saw that dude, again, the one I SWEAR is from NMU. If only I had the ability to walk up and ask him, 'hey, dude, did you go to NMU just a lil' while ago?' Except, where does it go from there? He says 'yes' and I say, 'yea, thought you looked familiar. Thanks for clearing that up. See ya' ? I mean... I didn't actually know him. I just knew of him, as he stands out a bit in the crowd. Okay, he's tall. I notice tall guys. Really tall, about 6'2"? So... yea.

I got fingerprinted at the 13th precinct. This was fabulous for 2 reasons: a.) the 13th precinct is apparently the setting/inspiration for . . . ? some movie, I believe. I don't remember. Hugo, fill this one in, would ya? and b.) it's really fun to walk into a cop shop and ask to be printed. They all just stared at me like I was a nutter, then looked around at one another, clueless. That stuff is seriously sticky and messy though... the copper (who was shorter than me) lets me into the bathroom to wash my paws and I had the choice of boiling or freezing water. Naturally, the boiling is better for removing fingerprinting goo. And, naturally, I spent a good part of the rest of the day with fingerprinting goo on my hands.

Hugo and I went to the DIA to get cultured. Good stuff there. Going with the Detroit theme, the DIA has remixed their art. It's more stimulating that way, and I daresay I like it. Mostly, though, I liked the new exhibit in the back, "Big". That's not the title, it was a two-worder, but that's the summary of it. Yea, the summary. It was quiet in there, with only 3 other viewers, one reporter gal, a worker gal and a cute dude that seemed to be a blend of both. There were some really impressive pieces in there. To any of my devoted readers in the Detroit area, I highly advise you get on down and groove to the art.

Groove on, my friend.


Peace Corps

I did it. Finally. Months and months and months after I started. I submitted my application to the Peace Corps. wow. It feels kinda weird, but good, too. This is the one job I've applied for that I feel confident about. It's just a matter of filling the time between now and then...

Keep your fingers crossed for me, please.

I get emails from a friend in Swaziland right now, and it's so odd... I always try to imagine myself in her place, living that life, and it's exciting and scary all at once. But I believe I can do it. I want to do it.

I WILL do it.


Life, as of late...

**wiping the dust from her blog**

So, yea, it's been a while. Nothing exciting happening, though. Let's see....

^I saw Million Dollar Baby. Quite good, but no one had warned me about the sad ending, so that was a bummer to encounter. It aaaaaalllmost inspired me to buy a set of gloves and learn to box, until I quickly remembered that getting hit in the face hurts, and things like broken noses totally gross me out. In the beginning of the movie, when Swank is practicing, it shocked me a little to see how much she reminds me of E.P., the Kool Kid Kickboxer. E.P.: if you ever get a match south of the bridge, let me know!

^My grandfather just turned 80, which is crazy. The fam got together last night for dinner. MMMM Roadhouse. Let's go eat at a place that serves only meat, and listen to country music while we're there! Yee-Haww! At least I enjoy being with the family...

^I'm applying for a couple of jobs. Some are better than others, but all will result in a paycheck. And that's cool. If anyone has some good, interesting and legal ways to make money in the Detroit area, let me know! I'm always open to suggestion!


My So-Called Jury Duty

A few weeks ago, I got summoned to jury duty. Unlike the majority of my peers, I was genuinely excited and happy. Truly! So, I get to the courthouse, where the security folk tell me my bag is too large and my D-clips (clips, not cups) are contraband. In the waiting room, They make us watch a video on the role and rules of jury duty and then play American President for anyone who's been in a coma the last 20 yrs and might have missed it.

2 hours later, I am finally called into a group. We attempt to get upstairs, but, despite having 5 elevators, the going was slow. Once there, we sat, sat, sat, took an hour and a half lunch, sat and sat some more, until getting called inside the courtroom. The handsome judge lectured us on jury duty, then called 14 to fill the box (I was #3). We met the lawyers, the clients and found out the charges, and were sent home.

Day #2 I return. We all hang out for a while and then learn the penalty for skipping jury duty (Mr. #7!) is a stint on the Alternative Workforce -cleaning the highway in a colorful orange vest. There was more lecturing, some garbage by the lawyers and then questions. I made it through the first round of cuts, but got axed in the second by the prosecutor. *sigh* The best I can figure is I didn't keep my poker face, and the inner dialogue was just too much. What can I say...

Afterwards, I was so sad... I wandered through Greektowne, settling in a shop where I tried to drown my sorrows in coffee. Hugo, my Pick-Up Blocker, joined me, and we walked through town for a while before settling in for lunch. More walking, exploring, etc. and my mum came along to join me. We gambled (I made $15 in nickel slots) and watched a lot of the card tables, trying to figure out the games, before dining across the street. Mmm... Greek food! It's been a while since I've had it, as mostly it's meaty. These sweet people, though, they make a meaty-free version! Yippee!


The Afterlife

When I die and am in that transition period between lives, I hope my waiting room has a deep, comfy armchair and a side table; an endless supply of hot coffee; stacks of books along the walls; and thick rays of sunshine to light the room.


A sweet man once said...

"One day, when you are much much older, you will put down your knitting for a moment and look up,while your 23 cats lounge in various spots in the room. You will stare at a white wall, as if it were a projection screen, and reflect on all those people who have floated in and out of your life. You will think of old friends long gone, and the nostalga of simpler times, while that seemingly infinate train of humanity steams on by. You will laugh under your breath as you think back and travel backwards down the trails that lead to memory. Faces of schoolmates, family, co-workers, friends and lovers will swirl around, along with the specific memories that accompany each. Among all those faces of friends, no more than another link in the chain, will be mine. You will have to concentrate for a bit, as it will have been a long time since the last time I popped up from recesses of your mind. It will all come flooding back and a wave of scerenity will wash over you as you think back to that wonderful time. That wonderful time when I would forever distinguish myself among your peers. It was that time I presented to you the sweet tender sound, of a singing little yellow sponge, and his sidekick starfish. Oh yes, I have got it, and here it is, for your listening pleasure..."

Thanks dude. You are indeed a special friend. For, who else could be my stand in man, providing the silent threat to my Artifial Sweetener Daddy? Muchisimas gracias.


History Lessons

Wednesday means a trip downtown. I decided it was due time that I participate in the cultural section of DTown, and so I headed off to the African American History Museum.

It's a fairly new museum, and so it's not as filled out as it could be, but it's pretty cool none the less. The building is spiffy, with a huge glassed dome over the atrium. It's mirrored on the inside, so when you look up, you see bunches of reflections of the visitors. Large, bright, well made.

The museum had a special exhibit focusing on the American history of lynching. It seems that those people who participated in this wretched activity liked to document it with photographs, which were then sold to the crowd/participants who often mailed them to family and friends with notes regarding who was being lynched, why, and, occasionally who was responsible for the act. Even beyond the bodies -naked, burned, scarred, mutilated or raped- it was the faces of the crowd, looking toward the camera, smiling, proud, pleased, convinced of the appropriateness of their deed, that tore at my heart. I just cannot fathom how any human could be so cruel to another human, often repeatedly, and be so unaffected as to want photos of the event.

The other main section of the museum was a walking timeline, starting with ancient Africa and the first tribes of people. According to them, all humans share a piece of mitochondrial DNA that traces back to one woman in Africa. So, we really are all sisters. From Africa, they show migration patterns, tribes, trade routes and the birth of slavery. As slavery builds, the visitor sees the holding cells in the forts, the boat and travelling conditions, and life upon arrival in America. Significant people and events, especially Detroit-based events and people, are highlighted until modern day. It was really fun and interesting to have the interactive tour, as opposed to just seeing artifacts and placards on the walls.

The only part of the museum that I was really disappointed with was the last section, the one about the role of African Americans in the progression of music. There were paintings with large cards next to them describing the types of music (jazz, blues, r&b, hip hop, etc.) and the African roots of that music. When you think of it, the role is just huge, amazingly significant, undeniable. But, there were... 8 paintings? It was so brief, that I don't think credit was properly given. You could make an entire museum dedicated to the evolution of music...

...oh, wait... Been there.... the Experience Music Project in Seattle, WA. Now that was a hip museum..!


Peer Pressure is Fun

It's kinda sad when your mom says you need to have more fun. So sad it makes your friends want to help you (or call the mother and explain one's efforts at fun), help you in any way they can.

I was just trying to help.

Huguito and I went to a hip bar last night, downtown. Several beers later, Hugo remarked on how he should color his hair red. Somehow he didn't realize he had said this aloud, to me, with a straight face. After some discussion of color (the Muse's hair was pink, not red, and I thought blue would be more pleasant, though green would also be appealing, etc.) and a few more beers, we split the bar to shop, shop, shop! The blue, green, purple and yellow were all temporary, so we went for red -and a bit more natural of a red, really. Not as electric as I might have liked.

With our new purchases, we headed home to the Salon to get started. 45 min. later, not quite blonde, but closer, we mushed on the red dye. [I realized this morning, we should have double applied the blonde, to get it lighter like we needed. oh well] 30 min after that, he was a new man! Got the tops, the burns and I tried so, so hard to get the chest tufts. Wimp.

I, myself, am now sporting an odd red streak in the center of my forehead. He has promised green for St.P's party, and I am looking forward to the occasion.



Saw Ani DiFranco on Leno last night. YOW. She was doing a new song, from the disc 'Knuckle Down'. Again, YOW. The violin was crazy good, her guitar, the song, whew... It was A-Mazing. Find it, buy it, hear it, as soon as you can!



Field Trip!

I went on a field trip yesterday, with Sr. Hugo, to Wayne State. What fun! It started off rocky: D-Town was in the midst of an evil blizzard, with almost an entire inch of snow on the ground and more falling by the minute. Egads! An hour and a half ride, creeping, crawling, occassionally sliding in that rear-wheel ride, and we arrived at our destination. Let the games begin!

WSU has security issues, and so a passcard is required almost everywhere you go. (Un)fortunately, the guards don't look closely enough to realize I am not the man on the card I waved as I entered the unusual building. Nor do they seem to enforce many of the rules they post, including the "Silent 3rd floor -no talking, no noise, nada" or the "No bags in the bookstore" policies.

I spent time searching the internet for graduate schools -I've about 8 right now, reading magazines, observing the diversity of the city, studying for the GRE and generally flexing my brain. It was amazing -12 hours later, on the ride back home, I could actually feel a difference. I could feel my neurons snapping and crackling with electricity, like the wires of a city home whos power has just been reconnected.

Next week, I plan to see art! I will find and visit the student art gallery and, if time permits, take in what little the DIA has left us, in this time of reconstruction.

Mmmm..... Aarrrrrt.


Groovin' in D-Town

Out to the city last night. Saw Pizazz, the Avatars and Outrageous Cherries. The first: mediocre; the second: quite good; the last: quite good -much more varied than the others. The bar was decent -medium crowd, expensive drinks, all that. But people there don't dance, they bob. And I'm convinced there is an after party we just don't know about, 'cause everyone seems to clear out about 1a. Mum says it's a racial thing -white folk go out early and end early. Seems a quite the blanket statement... Certainly applies to some, but not all of us a wimpy partyers.


Yellow, Porous & Absorbent for a Dollar, Alex

Went to see SpongeBob Squarepants yesterday. :) Dragged Hugo along and, despite his initial resistance, he loved it. How could he not? My fav part: Bob and Patrick getting "drunk" at the Goofy Goober. Ahh, it was excellent.

The theatre was full of knee-highs who had to chatter through the whole thing, but... at least I only paid a buck. Can't complain about that price. Felt like I had to wait forever for the film to come back to theatres... too bad I missed it the first time, eh?

If you haven't yet, get out and see it! Take a pal and have a good giggle, already, would ya?


Privacy My Ass

Just another quick gripe while I'm at it...

I had opened a JCPenny's card ages ago in order to get a discount on whatever I was buying at the time. Once I got it, I put it away, never to be used again. In Nov., Mum and I were out shopping and the lady coerced us into using the card to save a bit of money. No more than 5$, I'm sure. She had to look up the account number on the machine, as I had no card.

Months go by. Every so often, when passing Penny's, we'd say, 'gee... still haven't gotten that bill... wonder where it is? Oh well!'

Turns out, they'd been mailing it to my res. hall address and it was (surprise!) being returned to the company. Over 3 months later I get a call. My phone connection was beyond rotten and, to make it more fun, the woman had the thickest Indian accent. I could hardly hear her or understand her. She was calling to yell at me for not paying my bill.

Long story shorter... Several calls later and I pay the bill with a check over the phone. This means giving my router and account number to the lady. The woman (American this time) promises that she has removed the late fees and finance charges [really, why should I pay those? It's not like I deliberately didn't pay my bill. I wasn't getting them]. She tells me to call a different number so I can get a new card. Alright. I ask these people for my account number and they refuse to give it. Privacy and security concerns. Um... yea. It's okay for me to give my checking account number over that very same phone line, yet you can't give me my account number? Hello, security. During all of this, they mention my bill to be about $30 less than what I paid. Pardon?

Now, I'm pissed. This woman (a manager, also Indian) promises she has removed the charges and will credit the difference to my account. I can even check up on this in the next 48 hours, if I call back to the automated services. MmHmm. "Don't I need my account number for that?" "yes" "TOO BAD YOU WON"T GIVE IT TO ME!"

We went in circles for what felt like forever.

Today's lesson: Don't get a credit card through JCPenny unless you enjoy fighting with idiots.

Telemarketing 101

We've been getting some weird calls this week... Phone rings, pick it up, "hello?", and a machine says "please hold for the next available operator...". Excuse me??

The first time I got that, I hesitated, like, should I hold? What if this is important? Maybe a long-distance, operator-connected call? There's no hold music... am I really on hold? What is this??

This morning, the call was executed a little better. The machine said, "this is the firefighters union, blah-d-blah, please hold for an operator." Hey hey! -I know who is calling! I'm still insulted to be put on hold like that, but, at least I have the peace of mind of knowing who I hung up on, and I'm not left to spend the day thinking 'what was that call??'

I mean, really, people. It's one thing to make a call and be put on hold forever -you know who you are calling and why, and can therefore decide how long you want to be on hold. You know what your business is and what will happen when they pick up the line. With this shit, all I know is that it's most likely a person asking for money. I'm not sure.

Today's phone lesson: let people know who you are and why you are calling before you put them on hold!


The Latest

New things in my life:

1. Working on redecorating the bedroom. Gotta get rid of the high school decor and get things updated. Fun, but frustrating... Paint ran out one wall short, so I now have almost a gallon extra. Curtain rod (which took 3 stores to find) is a shocking 20" too short. I guess that's why you measure things before you shop. Two trips to get enough cool-ass chrome outlet plates. BUT, I really like the new color (Lovely Lilac, I believe it is called) and how it makes everything look better. I contrasted with a fab green on the bay window and the duvet (yea, I'm a cool kid who uses a duvet. Makes me feel rich and fabulous just to write that). I'm planning a trip to D-Town to buy some art off the students. Cheaper, cooler, and not the mass-produced stuff from Target. Still wish a certain Miss Someone up north would make me a copy of her Potato picture. Sign it before you send it, eh? It will be better, then, when you are famous. MAKE IT AND SEND IT!

2. shit... I had more than just that...

3. Gonna take dance lessons with Sr. Hugo at some point. Gotta call and see if we can still get in, a bit prorated, or if we have to wait. Ballroom dancing! His future wife will thank me, though he doesn't seem to appreciate that aspect. His appreciation is more along the lines of, taking dance lessons means not having to give blood. Ahh, the fruits of blackmail!



It is SNOWING outside! A very light, dusty sort of snow that has been coming down since 2am. Quite the accumulation, then. Maybe 4"? The weather folk tell us that, by the end of the night, we will have 6-12". As you may expect, if you have been paying attention here, the Detroiters are in a panic! Or, a state of hibernation, depending on where you look. It looks gorgeous, and I simply wish I had stolen a pair of snowshoes from E.P. while I was there.... damn!! It would be silly funs to march around this Ile on tennis rackets!

Oh yes, went to the bars last night with my amigo. Ran into some folks from HS -one I was atually friends with in HS. She claims to be in contact, so, Amigo and I now have expanded our social circle by 1!


!Viva Mexico!

Just back from a week in Mexico... Hot, sunny, humid (avg 84 degrees there), great for tanning.... mmmm :) Since the Caymans got eaten, we had to go somewhere different. The dart landed on Cozumel, Mexico, so there we went!

It was absolutely fantastic to get to speak spanish again, so often, with such nice people. Granted, it may have taken a day or so to warm up, and a few beers or so... The Mexicans were all so happy to have Americans that spoke spanish, they would just chatter, chatter, chatter. It really helped the bartering process, and service in general, when you spoke spanish. I miss it much, now, and am aching to go back. I have decided that, if the Peace Corps rejects me, I will go work in Mexico for a while instead. Mum agrees, preferring the randomness of Mexico to the security of the Peace Corps, and Dad just groans at both.

The people were all crazy there.... the staff at our hotel were mid-twenties, with the chicas skinnier than models and the chicos giant flirts. During the day, they organized and participated in violent and dirty games of water polo, tame bouts of water volleyball, BINGO, rifle shoting (yes, that's what it was), and occaisional aerobics. Every night they put on a show, mostly dancing, but a comedy night and an enactment of 'El Dorado', the Disney movie I never saw. Damn entertaining material, though, from a group that works well together.

I went out a few nights... Monday, M (staffer) took me and a crew from WI to Carlos & Charlie's and Senor Frogs. [NO, it is NOT pronounced "SEEN yer", as in an old man, but rather "sen YOUR", as in the spanish title for a man. To bad the ass on the plane ride down was unclear on that....] C&C was lame, but the Frog was busy, full of American cruisers, docked across the street. I met a blonde gal who bought me drinks and showed me pictures of her girlfriend while proclaiming, "I never in my life thought I would be with a woman, but she is my girlfriend and I love her." Over, and over, and over. She was crazy, drunk, and would be obnoxious if I actually lived in the same town as her. I begged M to take me somewhere native, so we ditched WI and went to 1.5, a trendy, mellow bar with electronica music.

Thursday the crew all went out again, with P (another staffer) also coming and A (you guessed it) joining us later. Same deal: C&C, lame, and Frogs, less busy than Monday, but decent. I saw blondie (see above), and she bought me more drinks and some gum. Gotta love it. P ditched out, to my disappointment, but we eventually moved on to the Baby Reef, a bar full of locals. It was half indoor, half patio, and so we stayed outside to cool off. Blondie came, as did her supposed former girlfriend, who was much more sane, but then Blondie left to make a call and never came back... It was adventurous, interesting, and one of those things you had to just be there to appreciate. {JLB: you, of course, shall be receiving the uncut version of the above stories... Talk to you Monday?}

It was rather depressing to leave Cozumel... I miss the spanish, I miss the friendly people, I miss the sun, the staff, the bars, the dancing.... Seriously, I would have LOVED to have 'missed' my flight back and just stayed on, living or working or whatever. I can fly by the seat of my pants; I don't need things to be formal and structured. I could survive Mexico. Maybe one of these days, I just will.



Makes me want to vomit.... so much so that I couldn't even read the whole article...